35 articles
Create and manage profiles
Create a profile
Update a profile
Copy a profile
Delete a profile
Configure Backup Retention for Exchange Online or Gmail
Configure a profile to protect Microsoft 365 app data
Folders having names starting with $ followed by a hexadecimal string get backed up under the C:\ (root) and C:\Users folder for Windows OS
How to configure Linux root directory for backup
Configure the Backup Retention Policy
Unable to delete the SharePoint Site associated with Parent App.
Configure the global exclude list
Defined file types for backup
Define the backup interval for SaaS Apps
Back up and restore data
Stop a restore in progress
Allow web restore for users
Search backed up data to download or restore
View Storage region assigned to your account
Endpoints and SaaS Apps Settings
Configure Cloud Key Management
Configure SaaS Apps settings for Microsoft 365
Get user data encryption key (ekey)
Enterprise Key Management for Microsoft 365
Configure Bulk Export Setting