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Uninstalling inSync Client
Updated over a week ago


This article provides the following details:

Uninstall inSync Client from a Windows device

This section explains the process of uninstalling inSync Client from a Windows device.


Before you begin:Make sure you have administrative privileges on the device from which you want to uninstall the inSync Client.

To uninstall inSync Client:

  1. On the Start menu, go to All Programs > Druva inSync and click Uninstall Druva inSync,

  2. Click Uninstall on the wizard screen. The wizard displays a dialog box to confirm whether you want to retain the inSync settings.

  3. Click Yes to retain inSync settings or else click No.

  4. After the uninstall process completes, click Finish.

Even if you uninstall the inSync Client, some configuration files are stored on the device. If Sync and Share was enabled for the user, inSync Share folder is also stored on the device. For steps to delete the configuration files and shared folders, see Remove configuration details and inSync Share folder manually.

Uninstall inSync Client from a Mac device

This section explains the process of uninstalling inSync Client from a Mac device.


Before you begin:Make sure you have administrative privileges on the device from which you want to uninstall the inSync Client.

To uninstall inSync Client:

  1. Open Launchpad.

  2. Under Utilities, click Uninstall inSync.

  3. Enter your password, and then click OK.

  4. Click Yes to retain inSync settings or else click No.

You can also find the uninstaller under /Applications/Druva inSync. If you choose not to retain inSync settings, inSync removes all configuration details and log files. However, if you choose to retain inSync settings by clicking Yes, inSync retains your preferences and configuration details on the device.

Even if you uninstall the inSync Client, some configuration files are stored on the device. If Sync and Share was enabled for the user, inSync Share folder is also stored on the device. For steps to delete the configuration files and shared folders, see Remove configuration details and inSync Share folder manually.

Uninstall inSync Client from a Linux device

This section explains the process of uninstalling inSync Client from a Linux device.


Before you begin: Make sure that you have superuser privileges on the device from which you want to uninstall inSync Client.

Uninstall inSync Client from CentOS or RHEL device

To uninstall the inSync Client:
1. Use the following command to identify the inSync Client version:

1 | rpm -qa | grep druva-insync-client

2. Run the following command to uninstall the inSync Client:

1 | rpm -e druva-insync-client-<version>-<arch>

Uninstall inSync Client from Ubuntu

To uninstall the inSync Client:
1. Use the following command to identify the inSync Client version:

1 | dpkg --get-selections | grep druva-insync-client

2. Run the following command to uninstall the inSync Client:

1 | dpkg -r druva-insync-client-<version>-<arch>

Even if you uninstall the inSync Client, some configuration files are stored on the device. If Sync and Share was enabled for the user, inSync Share folder is also stored on the device. For steps to delete the configuration files and shared folders, see Remove configuration details and inSync Share folder manually.

Remove configuration details and inSync Share folder manually

Even if you uninstall the inSync Client, its preferences and configuration details, log files, and the inSync Share folder (provided the administrator had enabled inSync Share for you) is retained on the device. This is to safeguard against data loss and redundant backups in case you uninstall inSync Client inadvertently. inSync uses these details when you install the inSync Client again on the same device. Hence, to uninstall inSync Client completely, you must manually delete these files. The files and folders to be deleted from Windows, Mac, and Linux devices are listed below. Run the required commands when required as described below.

โ— Important

Before you delete the inSync Share folder from any device, back up the important shared files and folders to avoid data loss.

Remove configuration details and share files from a Windows device

To remove all configuration details and log files, delete the following folders manually:

  • C:\inSync4

  • C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Local Settings\Temp\

  • C:\Program Files\Druva\

  • C:\Windows\Installer\<GUID>\inSyncIcon.exe

  • C:\Windows\Installer\<GUID>\HelpIcon.exe

To remove the shared files and folders:

  • Manually delete the inSync Share folder from C:\user\<user name>\inSync Share

Remove configuration details and share files from a Mac device

โ— Important

Applicable only to client versions lower than inSync Client 5.4.

To remove all configuration details and log files, manually delete the following folders:

  • /Users/<user name>/Library/Application Support/inSync

  • /Users/<user name>/Library/Preferences/com.trolltech.plist

To remove the shared files and folders:

  • Manually delete the inSync Share folder from /Users/<user name>/inSync Share

Remove configuration details and share files from a Linux device

To remove all configuration details and log files, manually delete the following folders:

  • /home/<user name>/.inSync

  • /opt/Druva

To remove the inSync Share folder

  • Manually delete the folder /home/<user name>/inSync Share

Remnants of the client on the device post uninstallation

Some file and folder remnants continue to reside on the device even after you have uninstalled the inSync Client. The following table describes the impact of deleting such remnants from a Mac device.

Remnant files/folders on a Mac device

Impact of deleting the remnant


No serious impact if deleted after client uninstall. The remnant stores the daemon process logs of the client.

/Users/username/insync Share/**

Purges user data when deleted after client uninstall. Druva recommends to back up this remnant before deleting.


No impact if deleted after client uninstall. Deletes Finder plugin details required to display overlay icons of inSync Share folder.

/Users/username/Library/Group Containers/com.druva.insync.sharedDefaults/**

No impact if deleted after client uninstall. The folder is used to share data between Finder plugin and Finder process.

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