24 articles
Managing Scheduled Reports for Departed Druva Admins
Druva utility to integrate inSync and Google
How to Check the account used to configure Microsoft 365 on inSync
How to check the Salesforce Storage Utilisation
How to map otherMailbox attribute to inSync email ID for SCIM with onelogin as an IDP
How to download the data from Druva SalesforceV2 App in CSV or JSON format
Inaccessible Images after Conversations restore in Teams
Optimizing backup policies under the inSync Profile settings
Preparing the environment for successful Druva Exchange Online backup
Preparing the environment for successful Google Workspace backups and restore
Profile Creation for M365 Shared mailbox backup in InSync
Scripts for clean uninstallation of inSync Client
Tips for configuring “All Drives” share
Understanding CPU priority on inSync Client
Create Junction Points to enable inSync Share audit
Antivirus recommendations for inSync/Endpoint Client
Configuration for seamless backup from drives protected by BitLocker
User Guide on preparing your environment for successful Druva OneDrive backup
Configure backup shares
Considerations while modifying the PAC file
Difference between Azure AD mappings v/s Manual Azure AD import
Druva utility to integrate inSync and Google
Preparing the environment to configure backup and restore for Microsoft Teams
Define file inclusions and exclusions for backup