The Salesforce App excludes certain Salesforce components by default from the backup. This article lists those components so that you can plan and configure your backup definitions to either include or skip these components from the backup.
The following sections are divided as per the component type:
Default Sandbox Populated Objects
A Sandbox creation or refresh process copies certain objects automatically in the Salesforce environment by default.
The Salesforce App excludes these objects during a backup. Here's a list of sandbox populated objects for your reference:
ApexClass ApexPage ApexTrigger ContentDistribution DuplicateRecordItem FieldPermissions Folder Group IDEWorkspace NewsFeed Note ObjectPermissions Organization OrgWideEmailAddress PermissionSet Pricebook2 PricebookEntry Product2 Profile RecordType Scontrol StaticResource TopicAssignment TraceFlag User UserLicense UserProfileFeed UserRole
Excluded Object Extensions
In Salesforce, certain objects are read-only. These objects are excluded from backup as it requires additional processing for the following reasons:
Calculate Sharing Rules
Lookup objects, such as __kav.object and __ feed.object whose data is actually stored in a different object
Unable to use standard SOQL queries or SOAP API to query
Object is inaccessible
Here's a list of object extensions for your reference:
History Share Tag Chatter Feed ViewStat VoteStat ChangeEvent __e __x __xo __mdt __hd
Default Excluded Objects
A Sandbox refresh process copies Salesforce system objects and read-only metadata objects by default. To modify permissions for read-only metadata objects, use the Salesforce Metadata API. For more information, see below link: us.api_meta.meta/api_meta/meta_modify_metadata_perm.htm
For example, during Sandbox creation, Salesforce copies Custom Settings and other Standard Objects containing Settings data. Salesforce also copies metadata-related objects, such as ApexClass and ApexTrigger. Hence, the Salesforce App excludes these system objects by default from the backup.
The following table explains the reason for certain object exclusions.
Exclusion | Reason |
EmailMessage Object | Restoring attachments that reference an EmailMessage Object has limitations as the updates to an email record is possible only in the following conditions:
For more information about EmailMessage Object, see link - |
System Excluded Objects
The system-excluded objects during the backup represent system objects in Salesforce, which you cannot query directly. Here's a list of system-excluded objects for your reference:
ApiEvent OutgoingEmail OutgoingEmailRelation ForecastingUserPreference Macro MacroHistory MacroInstruction MacroShare MatchingInformation NetworkUserHistoryRecent
Default Excluded Global Fields
The default excluded global fields during the backup represent field names that can be found in multiple objects.
LastReferencedDate LastViewedDate
Default Excluded Fields
The default excluded fields during the backup represent fields in Salesforce, which you cannot set in specific conditions due to Salesforce system-level validation errors.
OpportunityLineItem.TotalPrice Account.IsCustomerPortal Task.IsRecurrence Event.IsRecurrence ContentVersion.ContentBodyId