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Salesforce App FAQs
Updated over a month ago

This topic lists the following Salesforce App-specific frequently asked questions.

Configuration FAQs

Which Salesforce platforms and cloud editions are supported?

Which application components does a Project include?

Projects help you to maintain the collection of all of the Restore & Seeding templates and users associated with one project in one place. You can create projects as per a specific use case or business requirement. For example, you can create a project containing sandbox seeding data templates for copying data between organizations.

For more information, see Projects.

Which application capabilities can I configure via Restore and Seeding?

Restore and Seeding enable you to selectively configure the data set for Data Copy (Sandbox Seeding) or Data Restore and apply any data transformations, validations, exclusions, and masking. Hence, Restore and Seeding templates help you to trace back the kind of restored data at a later date.

For more information, see Restore and Seeding Templates.

Can I select a different storage region (multi-geo support) to back up my Salesforce data?

The option to change regions is available with the Salesforce Elite Backup License and Sandbox Seeding License only.

For more information, see Licensing Information.

Can I change my storage region after creating a project?

No, you can’t change the storage region after creating a project. For further assistance, contact Support.

License FAQs

My license displays Failed Auth for my organization. How can I rectify this?

To address this issue, you can re-authenticate an organization.

For more information, see Re-authenticate Organization Association.

Which Salesforce users does the Salesforce App consider as part of the license?

As part of the licensing association, the Salesforce App considers active users with Standard Salesforce user type. This user type also includes Salesforce Platform and Salesforce Platform One user licenses.

For more information, see Licensing Information.

I am not able to associate a different Salesforce production organization with the same license. How can I mitigate this issue?

You can associate a license to a different production organization only after completing 14 days of association with the current production organization.

For more information, see Authenticate Production Organization.

Backup FAQs

How can I configure High-Frequency backups?

You can configure High-Frequency backups using the High-Frequency backup scheduling option from the backup definition settings. This configuration performs a backup of your data more than once a day. For more information, see Backup Definition Settings.

High-frequency backups are available with the Salesforce Elite Backup License.

How can I include objects and fields that are excluded from the backup definition by default?

The Salesforce App excludes system objects from the backup by default. For a detailed list of the objects excluded from backup, see Understanding Backup Exclusions.

You can include excluded objects to your backups from the backup definition settings. For more information, see Backup Definition Settings.

Can I create multiple backup definitions for a single Salesforce organization?

Yes, you can create multiple backup definitions, which support full or partial backups for your Salesforce organization.

How can I configure a partial backup of my Salesforce data?

Partial backups enable you to back up the data set selectively. You can configure partial backups through the exclusion of certain objects and associated fields. You can also select the metadata for backup.

For more information, see Exclude Objects, Exclude Fields, and Metadata Backup.

Restore FAQs

How can I restore selective data?

You can restore specific records or metadata from a snapshot with or without comparing snapshots.

How can I restore child records to maintain object relationships?

When restoring records, you can specify the level of child records you want to restore. This restores the specified level of child records for this record.

For more information, see Compare and Restore Records.

Sandbox Seeding FAQs

Does the Salesforce App ensure the deduplication of data during Sandbox Seeding?

The Salesforce App ensures the deduplication of data through the usage of external IDs. The application determines if the record already exists on the destination org using external IDs. This prevents duplicate inserts by performing an update operation in place of an insert operation.

For more information, see External ID.

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