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Know your Teams dashboard
Updated over a week ago

The Teams dashboard lists all the discovered Teams. This topic explains the dashboard in detail and the actions you can perform on it.

Access path

To access the Teams dashboard, sign in to Druva Management Console and navigate to Microsoft 365 > Teams.

The Teams dashboard has three tabs.

All Teams

The following table describes the fields on the Teams dashboard.



Teams | x of y

The count of all the discovered Teams where x is page size and y is the count of discovered Teams.


The name of the Team.

Archived teams are displayed with an icon beside the team name.


URL of the Team site


Privacy of the selected Team - Public or Private

Configuration Status

Configuration status of the selected Team.

  • Configured: The selected Teams' is configured for backup.

  • Not Configured: The selected Teams' is not configured for backup. Assign storage to enable backup for the discovered Team.


Select the Team name using the checkbox to perform the actions as described in the below table.



Configure for Backup

Configure backup settings for Teams.

Discover now


Filter Teams

Filter Teams based on the configuration status.
(configured or not configured), privacy settings (public or private), and team state (active or archived).

Customize Table Columns

View or hide table columns.

Enter Full Screen

View the Teams list in the full screen mode.

Configured teams

The following table describes the fields on the Teams dashboard.



Teams | x of y

The count of all the discovered Teams where x is page size and y is the count of discovered Teams.


The name of the Team.

Archived teams are displayed with an icon beside the team name.


The number of channels within the Teams

Last Backup Status (Sub Apps)

Status of the most recent backup with date and time for team metadata, conversations, and Team Sites.

Backup data

The size of Teams backed up data.

App Status

The status of the selected Teams.

  • Enabled: Storage is assigned to the Teams, and backup is enabled for the selected Teams.

  • Disabled: If the backup is disabled for the selected Teams.


Select the required filter options as per your need and perform the required actions as described in the following table.



Backup Now

Restore Data




Filter the Teams list based on the following criteria:

  • Last Backup Status

    • Backed Up Successfully

    • Backup Failed

    • Backed Up with Errors

    • Never Backed Up

  • App Status

    • Disabled: All Teams for which backup is disabled.

    • Enabled: All Teams for which backup is enabled.

  • Team Privacy

    • Public: Select this checkbox to filter and view only Public Teams

    • Private: Select this checkbox to filter and view only Private Teams

  • App State

    • Active: Select this checkbox to filter and view only Active Teams

    • Archived: Select this checkbox to filter and view only Archived Teams

  • Sub Apps

    • Only after you select the Last Backup Status, you can use this option to filter teams as per the following Sub Apps:

    • Team Metadata

    • Team Site

    • Team Conversation


You can perform the following actions on the Settings tab.



Auto configure Teams for backup

Edit backup settings

The dashboard lists all the configured and non-configured Teams.

  • When you click any non-configured Team, the Configure for Backup window is displayed.

  • When you click any configured Team, the Summary page is displayed.


The Summary tab gives you an overview of the selected Team’s backup details.

The following table lists the fields in the Team Details section.



Team Details

View the selected Team's details, such as its name, description, status, number of channels associated with it, date and time it was added, storage region, site, and URL.

Data Distribution

The data distribution pie graph shows the total amount of data backed up for a Team. It also displays storage distribution details for Team Metadata, Team Site, and Conversation.

Analyze the backed-up data distribution between conversations, Teams Site, Private channel sites, Team metadata

Storage consumption

Analyze the backup storage consumption in the last 90 days.

The storage consumption section shows how the storage consumption for the Team Metadata, Team Site, and Conversation has changed over the last 90 days. When you hover the mouse pointer over a particular place in the chart, you can see the storage consumed on a day.

Backup Summary

View a backup summary that includes the date and time of the last completed backup, the last backup status, the last backup data, and the total backup data.

Backup Settings

Specifies whether custom or default backup settings are applied. Click Edit to modify the custom settings.


You can perform the following actions on the Summary tab.



Backup Now

Restore Data



📝 Note

For Teams' with Disabled status, you cannot perform backup operation. However, you can do the following:

  • View the snapshots or restore points

  • Download data

  • View activity logs


Activity Stream

The Activity Stream tab displays the current progress of ongoing backup or restore activities of all Teams.



Activities | x of x

The count of total backup and download activities performed for the Teams


Details of activity performed for the Teams.

  • Backup

  • Restore

  • Download


Details of the activity performed for the type of Teams' data - Team Metadata or Team Site or Team Conversation.

The Type is displayed only if you have selected Backup or Restore as the Activity for downloading logs.


The date and time stamp when the activity was performed for the Team.


The name of the administrator.


The status of the activity performed for the Team.

  • For Backup: Backed Up Successfully, Backed Up With Errors, or Backup Failed.

  • For Restore: Restore Successful or Restore Failed

  • For Download: Download Successful or Download Failed.

The Activity Stream tab lists the Backup activity logs for the team as follows:

  • Backup activities: Displays a list of backup activity logs that are less than 30 days old.

    📝 Note
    inSync automatically deletes the backup activity logs which are more than 30 days old.

  • Download and Restore activities – All the Download and Restore activities performed to date are displayed.

    📝 Note
    inSync does not delete the download and restore activity logs.

You can perform the following actions on the Activity Stream tab.



Download logs

Download and view the logs of the backup and restore activities performed for the selected Teams.


Filter the logs based on Activity, Time, and Status

Filters for Activity Stream

On the Activity Stream tab, you can search, view, and download the logs of backup and download activities performed for the selected Team.

The following table lists the administrator activities that you can filter according to the activity types.




  • Backup: All the backup activities performed.

  • Restore: All the restore activities performed.

  • Download: All the download activities performed.


The Type field is displayed only if you have selected Backup as the Activity filter option.

  • Team Metadata: All backup and restore activities performed for the Team Metadata.

  • Team Site: All backup and restore activities performed for the Team Site.

  • Team Conversation: All backup and restore activities performed for the Conversations.

  • Private Channel Site: All backup and restore activities are performed for the Private Channel Site.

  • Shared Channel Site: All backup and restore activities performed for the Shared Channel Site.

Site Title (For Private Channel Site only)

Select a site title as per your requirement from the dropdown.


All activities are performed within a specific time interval.


  • Backed Up Successfully: All activities for which the backup operation was successful.

  • Backed Up With Errors: All activities for which the backup operation was completed with some errors.

  • Backup Failed: All activities for which the backup operation failed.

  • Restore Successful: All activities for which the restore operation was successful.

  • Restore Failed: All activities for which the restore operation failed.

  • Restored With Errors: All activities for which the restore operation completed with some errors.

    For Team Site and Private Channel Site, Restored With Errors status is displayed when SharePoint site restore is partially successful.

  • Download Successful: All activities for which download operation was successful.

  • Download Failed: All activities for which the download operation failed.

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