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Cost allocation report for Enterprise Workloads
Updated over a week ago

Druva provides a strong reporting mechanism to track credit consumption at each resource level and determine the cost associated with each organization. Druva allows you to:

  • Create a cost allocation report that provides cost allocation details specific to cost codes and resources associated with organizations.

  • Download a cost allocation report for any of the last 12 months.

  • Configure non-administrators to receive cost allocation reports for specific cost codes.

This topic describes the following sections:

Cost allocation report

❗ Important

The Cost Allocation Report generated for November 2019 will include new columns, such as backup set name, backup set type, and organization. However, any reports generated before November will display the cost allocation details in the earlier format.

The Cost Allocation Report displays credit consumption details for resources such as administrative groups, organization, and backup sets. The Cost Allocation Report can be viewed only by the cloud-derived administrators, data protection officers, and other non-administrators subscribed to receive the report. By default, the cloud-derived administrators and data protection officers can view cost allocation reports for all cost codes. However, non-administrators can view cost allocation reports specific to the cost codes they are subscribed to.

The cost allocation report is generated every day at 12:15 AM UTC. You can download the report on demand for the last 12 months including the current month. You can configure Druva to send the Cost Allocation Report through an email on the first calendar day of every month. The report contains credit consumption details of the previous month and the cost allocation information.

Factors that affect report generation

When the cost allocation report is generated, the cost allocation of a particular resource is calculated using the credits consumed by the resource and the cost allocation rate defined for its cost code. Any change in the mapping between the cost code and the administrative group or organization during report generation affects the cost allocation for the cost code. The various factors that affect the cost allocation are listed as follows:

  • An administrative group is deleted from an organization: The deleted administrative group is not accounted for cost allocation during report generation for that month. The credit usage information for the deleted resources belonging to the administrative groups is displayed under the unaccounted resource details in the Details section of the report. If an administrative group associated with a cost code is deleted, the administrative group is no longer associated with the cost code.

  • An administrative group is removed from the cost code: The removed administrative group is not accounted for cost allocation during report generation for that month.

  • An administrator deletes an organization: The organization is deleted from the associated cost code and is not accounted for cost allocation during report generation for that month. If an organization associated with a cost code is deleted, the organization is no longer associated with the cost code.

  • An organization is removed from the cost code: The removed organization is not accounted for cost allocation during report generation for that month.

  • The organization is moved from one cost code to another cost code in mid-month. The organization is accounted under the latest cost code for the complete month.

  • A resource is deleted from the administrative group: The cost allocation for the deleted resource for the current complete month is displayed as unaccounted resource details in the Details section in the report.

  • A resource is moved from one administrative group to another administrative group in mid-month: The resource is accounted under the latest administrative group for the complete month. If the latest administrative group is associated with any other cost code, the resource is accounted under that cost code.

  • A backup set is deleted from an organization: The removed backup set is not accounted for cost allocation during report generation for that month.

  • A backup set is moved from one administrative group to another administrative group in mid-month: The backup set is accounted under the latest administrative group for the complete month. If the latest administrative group is associated with any other cost code, the backup set is accounted under that cost code.

  • A cost code is deleted: The report details for the current month are deleted. However, Druva maintains the reports for the previous months.

  • Cost objects are overlapped: If one or more cost codes are mapped to the same administrative group, organization, or backup set, the credit usage entries are duplicated for each cost code.

View cost allocation report

If you are a cloud-derived administrator or a data protection officer, you can view the cost allocation report.


  1. Log on to the Management Console.

  2. On the menu bar, click Reports.
    The Reports page opens.

  3. Under the My Subscriptions tab, click the Cost Allocation Report report.
    The Cost Allocation Report report opens in the HTML format from the first day of the calendar month until the previous day.

    • Overall Summary:

      • Number of resources accounted for cost allocation: The number of resources associated with the cost code during the cost allocation report generation

      • Number of backup sets accounted for cost allocation: The number of backup sets associated with the cost code during the cost allocation report generation.

      • Number of resources not accounted for cost allocation: The number of resources that were associated with the cost code at some point in the reporting period but were not associated with the cost code during the cost allocation report generation. This count comprises the number of resources deleted from the administrative group that was associated with the cost code or resources moved from one administrative group to other administrative groups in mid-month.

      • Number of backup sets not accounted for cost allocation: The number of backup sets that were associated with the cost code at some point in the reporting period but were not associated with the cost code during the cost allocation report generation. This count comprises the number of backup sets deleted from the administrative group that was associated with the cost code or backup sets moved from one administrative group to other administrative groups in mid-month.

    • Cost Allocation Summary:

      • Cost Code: The entity associated with the administrative groups, organizations, and backup sets to determine the cost allocation for individual resources based on the credit usage.

      • Credits Consumed for <period>: The credits consumed by the resources during the reporting period. The credits are calculated in TB Months. For AWS Marketplace customers, storage is consumed in TB Days.

      • Cost Allocation Rate ($/GB/Month): The chargeback rate defined for credit consumption of one GB storage consumed over a period of one month. The cost allocation rate is defined as $/GB/Month. For AWS Marketplace customers, the cost allocation rate is defined as $/GB/Day.

      • Cost for <period> ($): The cost incurred during the reporting period for the storage or credit consumption by all resources associated with each cost code.

        • The cost for the reporting period is calculated as follows:
          Cost = Credits consumed * 1024 * Cost allocation rate

        • For AWS Marketplace customers, the cost for the reporting period is calculated as follows:
          Cost = Storage consumed * 1024 * Cost allocation rate

      • Cumulative Cost for <period> ($): The cost incurred during the current quarter for the credit consumption by all resources associated with each cost code. For AWS Marketplace customers, the cumulative cost is incurred for the current quarter for the storage by all resources associated with each cost code.

    • Details:

      • Cost Code: The entity associated with administrative groups, organizations, and backup sets to determine the cost allocation for individual resources based on credit usage

      • Backup Set: The name of the backup set that is mapped to the cost code for cost allocation. This column does not display any value for the unaccounted cost code.

      • Resource: The name of the resource that is a part of the administrative group mapped to the cost code for cost allocation.

      • Backup Set Type: The type of the backup set that is mapped to the cost code for cost allocation.

      • Administrative Group: The name of the administrative group that is mapped to the cost code for cost allocation.

      • Credits Consumed for <period>: The credits consumed by the resources during the reporting period.

      • Cost for <month>: The cost incurred during the given month for the storage or credit consumption by each resource associated with each cost code.
        Cost for <month>= Cost allocation rate * Credits consumed for <month> * 1024

        Example: Let us calculate the credits consumed by your resource in a particular month. The data backed up to the Druva Cloud and the storage consumed in the month is as follows:

        • Source+Changes = 1.39 TB

        • Current Source = 1.38 TB

        • Estimation Druva Storage = 800 GB (S+C/Source reduction factor)

        One TB-Month = (1/12)*365 = 30.42 TB-Days
        Credits consumed in TB-Month on a particular day of the month
        Credits consumed in TB-Month on a day for 800 GB data = [(800/1024)/(365/12)] * (day of the month)/30 = [(800/1024)/(365/12)]*(9/30) = 0.233
        The Credits Consumed for <period> field in the Cost Allocation Report will display credit consumption as 0.233 on the 9th day of the month.

📝 Note
The resource entries that are a part of more than one cost code are marked by an asterisk (*) appended at the end of the resource name.

The non-administrators cannot view the Overall Summary section in the Cost Allocation Report. The Cost Allocation Summary section displays entries only for those cost codes to which the non-administrators are subscribed to. Similarly, the Details section displays only those entries that are a part of cost codes to which the non-administrators are subscribed.

Download cost allocation report

If you are a cloud-derived administrator, data protection officer, or a non-administrator subscribed to receive a cost allocation report, you can download the report as CSV files or HTML file.


  1. Log on to the Management Console.

  2. On the menu bar, click Reports.
    The Reports page opens.

  3. Under the My Subscriptions tab, click the cost allocation report that you want to download.

  4. Click Download.
    The Download Report page opens.

  5. Download the report.

    • To download the report in the HTML format:

      1. Under the Report Format section, click HTML.

      2. From the Download Report for drop-down list, select the required month.

      3. Click Download.
        The Cost Allocation Report is generated as an HTML file. You can open the file in a browser to view the report.

    • To download the report in the CSV format:

      • Under the Report Format section, click CSV.

      • From the Download Report for drop-down list, select the required month.
        The Download Report for drop-down list displays the last 12 months including the current month.

      • Click Download.
        The Cost Allocation Report is generated as a Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values file. You can open the file to view the report.

Email cost allocation report

If you are a cloud-derived administrator or a data protection officer, you can configure Druva to send a cost allocation report to your email address and to other non-administrators subscribed to receive the report.


  1. Log on to Management Console.

  2. On the menu bar, click Reports.
    The Reports page opens.

  3. Under the My Subscriptions tab, click the cost allocation report that you want to email.

  4. Click Email.
    The Email Report page opens.

  5. Send the report to the configured email.

    • To send the report in the HTML format:

      1. Under the Report Format section, click HTML.

      2. From the Email Report for drop-down list, select the required month.

      3. Click Send Email.
        The Cost Allocation Report is generated as an HTML file and sent through an email.

    • To send the report in the CSV format:

      1. Under the Report Format section, click CSV.

      2. From the Email Report for drop-down list, select the required month.
        The Email Report for drop-down list displays the last 12 months including the current month.

      3. Click Send Email.
        The Cost Allocation Report is generated as a Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values file and sent through an email.

Edit Email Schedule

If you are a cloud-derived administrator or a data protection officer, you can update the email schedule details to send the cost allocation report.


  1. Log on to the Management Console.

  2. On the menu bar, click Reports. Note that if organization is enabled, then select All Organizations and then click Reports.

  3. The Reports page opens.

  4. Under the My Subscriptions tab, click the cost allocation report for which you want to update the email schedule.

  5. Click Edit.
    The Cost Allocation Report: Email Schedule page opens. By default, the Enable Email Schedule check box is selected.

  6. Under Edit Email Schedule, update the following fields as required:

    • Time: The time for sending the report in the HH:MM format. Select AM or PM in the adjacent drop-drop list. Ensure that you set the email schedule time in your time zone after 12:15 AM UTC to get the report for the entire month. For example, if the resources in your administrative groups or organizations follow the Japan time zone, you must set the email schedule after 9:30 AM Japan time of the same day.

    • Format: The format of the report, such as HTML or CSV.

  7. Click Save.
    The email schedule is updated with the changes made in the time or format of the cost allocation report.

Billing report subscriptions for non-administrators

Cloud administrators can configure other non-administrators to receive cost allocation reports for specific or all cost codes. Non-administrators can view reports that list the cost allocation details specific or to all the cost codes they are subscribed to.

When non-administrators are subscribed to receive cost allocation reports for specific cost codes, the cost allocation report displays:

  • The Cost Allocation Summary section that provides details corresponding to the subscribed cost codes.

  • The Details section that provides information about each resource associated with the cost codes to which the non-administrators are subscribed to.

When non-administrators are subscribed to receive cost allocation reports for all cost codes, in addition to the Cost Allocation Summary and Details sections, they can view details for the unaccounted resources in the cost allocation report.

This section provides instructions for managing cost allocation report subscriptions for non-administrators.

Add report subscriptions

  1. Log on to the Management Console.

  2. On the menu bar, click Reports. Note that if an organization is enabled, then select All Organizations and then click Reports. For more information, see Enable and disable organizations.
    The Reports page opens.

  3. On the Reports page, click the Non-admin Subscriptions tab.

  4. On the top-right corner of the page, click Add New Subscription.
    The Add New Subscription page opens.

  5. On the Add New Subscription page, provide the following information.

    • Display Name: Type the name of the non-administrator to be configured for receiving cost allocation reports.

    • Email ID: Type the email address of the non-administrator.

  6. Click Add Email to configure more non-administrators.

  7. Repeat the step 5 to configure more non-administrators to receive reports.

  8. For the Cost Allocation Report report type, select the cost codes for which you want the non-administrators to receive reports.

    • All: Click All to subscribe non-administrators to the reports associated with all cost codes.

    • Specific: Click Specific to subscribe non-administrators to the reports for specific cost codes, and then select cost codes in the adjacent box.

  9. Click Add Report to add more reports.

  10. Click Next.
    The Email Schedule page opens.

  11. Under Email Schedule, provide the following information:

    • For Global Reports

      • Time: Select the time for sending the report in the HH:MM format. Select AM or PM in the adjacent drop-drop list.

      • Country: Select the country of the non-administrator.

      • Time Zone: Select the time zone in which reports trigger.

      • Format: Select the format of the report, such as HTML or CSV.

    • For Organization Reports

      • Send Report: Select the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly frequency of sending the reports.

      • Frequency: Select the frequency of sending reports on specific days of the week.

      • Time: Select the time for sending the report in the HH:MM format. Select AM or PM in the adjacent drop-drop list.

      • Country: Select the country of the non-administrator.

      • Time Zone: Select the time zone in which reports trigger.

      • Format: Select the format of the report, such as HTML or CSV.

  12. Click Finish.

By default, the cost allocation report is sent on the first calendar day of every month to the list of the configured non-administrators.

Edit report subscriptions

  1. Log on to Management Console.

  2. On the menu bar, click Reports. Note that if organization is enabled, then select All Organizations and then click Reports. For more information, see Enable and disable organizations.
    The Reports page opens.

  3. On the Reports page, click the Non-admin Subscriptions tab.
    The Non-admin Subscriptions tab displays a list of non-administrators subscribed to the cost allocation report.

  4. Click the non-administrator for which you want to edit the report subscription details.

  5. Click Edit.
    The Edit Subscription page opens.

  6. Edit the required details on the Edit Subscription page:

    • Display Name: The name of the non-administrator to be configured for receiving cost allocation reports.

    • Email ID: The email address of the non-administrator.

    • Cost Codes: The cost codes for which the reports are generated.

  7. Click Add Report to add more reports.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Under Email Schedule, edit the required details:

    • For Global Reports

      • Time: Select the time for sending the report in the HH:MM format. Select AM or PM in the adjacent drop-drop list.

      • Country: Select the country of the non-administrator.

      • Time Zone: Select the time zone in which reports trigger.

      • Format: Select the format of the report, such as HTML or CSV.

    • For Organization Reports

      • Send Report: Select the Daily, Weekly, or Monthly frequency of sending the reports.

      • Frequency: Select the frequency of sending reports on specific days of the week.

      • Time: Select the time for sending the report in the HH:MM format. Select AM or PM in the adjacent drop-drop list.

      • Country: Select the country of the non-administrator.

      • Time Zone: Select the time zone in which reports trigger.

      • Format: Select the format of the report, such as HTML or CSV.

  10. Click Finish.

Delete report subscriptions

  1. Log on to the Management Console.

  2. On the menu bar, click Reports. Note that if an organization is enabled, then select All Organizations and then click Reports. For more information, see Enable and disable organizations.
    The Reports page opens.

  3. On the Reports page, click the Non-admin Subscriptions tab.
    The Non-admin Subscriptions tab displays a list of non-administrators subscribed to the cost allocation report.

  4. Click the non-administrator for which you want to delete the report subscription.

  5. Click Delete.
    A confirmation dialog box opens.

  6. Click Yes to proceed with the deletion of the report subscription.

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