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Cost Allocation for Enterprise Workloads
Updated over a week ago

Overview of Cost Allocation

Druva helps IT organizations to automate the process of chargeback reporting when server backup and restore services are provided to various internal departments. This feature allows IT administrators to quickly determine how much storage is being consumed by specific teams, departments, or remote offices. The IT administrator can immediately assign a dollar value to this storage usage and forecast a budget accordingly.

Druva Cost Allocation feature provides the following cost object entities to organize resources in the internal groups:

  • Administrative groups: Servers that belong to a particular department can be grouped into one administrative group.

  • Organizations: Servers that belong to a particular department can be organized into administrative groups belonging to one organization.

  • Backup sets: Data sets belonging to a particular workload, content rule, or backup policy can be organized into one backup set.

After associating resources in your departments to administrative groups, organizations, or backup sets, you can create a cost code to define the credit consumption rate. The mapping between cost codes and resources enable administrators to determine the cost of credit consumption by the resources in a specified duration.

Druva provides insights into storage and credit consumption at various levels, including organization, administrative group, and backup sets. Cloud and cloud-derived administrators can create and manage cost codes for these entities and set allocation rates.

About cost codes

Cost codes are entities associated with individual administrative groups, organizations, and backup sets within an internal department. It allows you to determine the aggregate usage of all resources belonging to the same department. For example, you can map all resources from one department to an administrative group, associate a cost code to the administrative group, and calculate the cost allocation of the credit consumption by these resources.

For each cost code, you can allocate a cost allocation rate that defines the Druva storage consumption rate. The cost allocation rate is specified in $/GB/Month. The mapping between cost codes and resources enable you to determine the cumulative cost of credit consumption by resources in each organization in the given reporting period.

Druva generates cost allocation reports that provide cost allocation details specific to cost codes and backup sets belonging to the resources associated with organizations. The custom reports are sent to the cloud-derived administrators, data protection officers, and other non-administrators, who in turn charge back to their internal departments. For more information about the cost allocation report, see Billing Reports.

With Cost Allocation, Druva allows administrators to perform the following tasks:

  • Create cost codes to define the storage consumption rate.

  • Map administrative groups or organizations to cost codes. Or map backup sets belonging to the administrative groups to the cost codes.

  • Generate and download cost allocation report at the global level with cost allocation amount per cost code.

Set global cost allocation rate

You can define the global cost allocation rate and assign it to a cost code. When you modify the global cost allocation rate, the updated value is automatically applied to all cost codes to which the global rates are assigned.

To set the global cost allocation rate

  1. Log on to the Management Console.

  2. Click Analytics. Note that if an organization is enabled, then select All Organizations and then click Analytics. For more information, see Enable and disable organizations.
    The Analytics page appears.

  3. On the left navigation pane of the Analytics page, select Cost Allocation. The Cost Allocation page displays a list of available cost codes for all the organizations.

    β€‹πŸ“ Note
    ​Only Administrative Group and Backup Set cost object types will be displayed, if organization is disabled. For more information, see Enable and disable organizations.

  4. Click Set Global Rate.

  5. In the Global Cost Allocation Rate box, type the required value.

  6. Click Save.
    The created global cost allocation rate is displayed on the Cost Allocation page.

Add cost code

You can create cost codes for organizations, administrative groups, or backup sets to track the credit usage for the resources associated with the cost codes.

To add a new cost code

  1. Log on to the Management Console.

  2. Click Analytics. Note that if an organization is enabled, then select All Organizations and then click Analytics. For more information, see Enable and disable organizations.
    The Analytics page appears.

  3. On the left navigation pane of the Analytics page, select Cost Allocation. The Cost Allocation page displays a list of available cost codes for all the organizations.

    β€‹πŸ“ Note
    ​The cost object type displayed will be only Administrative Group and Backup Set, if an organization is disabled. For more information, see Enable and disable organizations.

  4. Click Add New Cost Code.

    • On the New Cost Code page, provide the following information:

      • Cost code: The entity associated with administrative groups, organizations, and backup sets to determine the cost allocation for the resources based on their credit usage.

      • Description: A short description of the cost code.

      • Cost Object Type: The entity associated with the cost codes, such as Organizations, Administrative Group, and Backup Set. A cost code can be mapped to one or more backup sets, organizations, and administrative groups in the organizations.

        • Organization: The name of the organization that you want to map with the cost code.

          • Select the organization name from the Organization(s) drop-down list.

          β€‹πŸ“ Note
          ​The Organization(s) field is not displayed on the New Cost Code page, if an organization is disabled. For more information, see Enable and disable organizations.

        • Administrative Group(s): The name of the administrative group(s) that you want to map with the selected organization.

          1. Select Administrative Group as the cost object type in the Mapping Details section.

          2. Select the organization name from the Organization drop-down list.

            β€‹πŸ“ Note
            ​The Organization field is not displayed if organization is disabled. For more information, see Enable and disable organizations.

          3. Click in the Administrative Group(s) box.
            The administrative groups associated with the selected organization are displayed in the Administrative Group(s) box.

          4. Select the administrative groups by clicking on the administrative group name in the box.

        • Backup Set: The name of the backup set(s) that you want to map with the selected organization.

          1. Select Backup Set as the cost object type in the Mapping Details section.

          2. Select the organization name from the Organization drop-down list.

            β€‹πŸ“ Note
            ​The Organization field is not displayed if an organization is disabled. For more information, see Enable and disable organizations.

          3. Select the type of the backup set from the Backup Set Type list.

          4. Click in the Backup Sets(s) box.
            The backup sets associated with the selected backup set type are displayed in the Backup Set(s) box.

          5. Select the backup sets by clicking on the backup set in the box.

      • Cost Allocation Rate: The rate charged for credit consumption of one GB storage consumed over a period of one month. The unit of the cost allocation rate is $/GB/Month.

        By default, the cost allocation rate value for a cost code is set to the global cost allocation rate. However, you can define a new cost allocation rate for the cost code.

        • Set cost allocation rate for code: This option allows you to define a new cost allocation rate for the cost code.

        • Use global cost allocation rate for code: This option allows you to use the global cost allocation rate for the cost code.

  5. Click Done.
    If the same administrative group, organization, or backup set is mapped to one or more cost codes, the following warning messages are displayed:

    • For administrative groups: Multiple cost codes mapped to servers in the selected administrative groups, do you wish to proceed?

    • For organizations: Multiple cost codes mapped to servers in the selected organizations, do you wish to proceed?

    • For backup sets: Some of the selected backup set(s) are mapped to multiple cost codes, do you wish to proceed?

View cost code

You can view details of the existing cost codes.

To view the details of the existing cost code

  1. Log on to the Management Console.

  2. Click Analytics. Note that if an organization is enabled, then select All Organizations and then click Analytics. For more information, see Enable and disable organizations.
    The Analytics page appears.

  3. On the left navigation pane of the Analytics page, select Cost Allocation The Cost Allocation page displays a list of available cost codes for all the organizations.

    β€‹πŸ“ Note
    ​Only Administrative Group and Backup Set cost object types will be displayed, if an organization is disabled. For more information, see Enable and disable organizations.

    The Cost Allocation page displays the following details:

    • Cost Code: The entity associated with administrative groups, organizations, and organizations to determine the cost allocation for individual resources based on credit usage.

    • Description: The description of the cost code.

    • Cost Object Type: The entity associated with the cost codes, such as Organizations, Administrative Group, and Backup Set.

      β€‹πŸ“ Note
      ​The organizations are not displayed if an organization is disabled. For more information, see Enable and disable organizations.

    • Cost Object(s): The organizations, administrative groups, and backup sets associated with the cost code.

    • Total No of Backup Sets Mapped: The total number of backup sets in the organization mapped to the cost code.

    • Cost Allocation Rate $/GB/Month: The rate charged for credit consumption of one GB storage consumed over a period of one month.

    You can perform the following actions on the Cost Allocation page:

    • Add a new cost code: Allows you to add cost codes for organizations, administrative groups, or backup sets to track the credit usage for the resources associated with the cost codes. For more information, see Add cost code.

    • Set global rate: Allows you to define the global cost allocation rate and assign it to the cost code. For more information, see Set global cost allocation rate.

    • Edit a cost code: Allows you to modify the cost object type associated with the code, or the cost allocation rate of the cost code. For more information, see Edit cost code.

    • Delete a cost code: Allows you to delete a cost code that you no longer need. For more information, see Delete cost code.

Edit cost code

You can modify an existing cost code to change the cost object type associated with the code, or the cost allocation rate of the cost code.

To edit a cost code

  1. Log on to the Management Console.

  2. Click Analytics. Note that if an organization is enabled, then select All Organizations and then click Analytics. For more information, see Enable and disable organizations.
    The Analytics page appears.

  3. On the left navigation pane of the Analytics page, select Cost Allocation The Cost Allocation page displays a list of available cost codes for all the organizations..

    β€‹πŸ“ Note
    ​Only Administrative Group and Backup Set cost object types will be displayed, if an organization is disabled. For more information, see Enable and disable organizations.

  4. Click the cost code that you want to edit.

  5. Click Edit.

  6. Modify the required fields on the page.

    • Cost code: The name of the cost code.

    • Description: The description of the cost code.

    • Cost Object Type: The type of cost entity to associate the cost code to, such as Organizations, Administrative Group, and Backup Set.

    • Organization: The name of the organization associated with the administrative groups or backup sets that you want to map with the cost code.

      β€‹πŸ“ Note

      • The Organization field is not displayed if organization is disabled. For more information, see Enable and disable organizations.

      • Click Add More to add entities to the cost code.

      • For the Administrative Group entity type, select the required organization, and then select the corresponding administrative groups to map to the cost code.

      • For the Backup Set entity type, select the required organization and the corresponding backup set type, and then select the backup sets specific to the selected backup set type to map to the cost code.

    • Cost Allocation Rate: The rate defined for credit consumption of one GB storage consumed over a period of one month. Modify the rate by clicking one of the following options:

      • Set cost allocation rate for code: This option allows you to define a new rate for credit consumption of one GB storage consumed over a period of one month.

      • Use global cost allocation rate for code: This option allows you to assign the global rate defined for credit consumption of one GB storage consumed over a period of one month.

  7. Click Done.

The modified cost code now appears on the Cost Allocation page.

Delete cost code

When you delete a cost code, Druva deletes report details for the current month, if any. However, Druva maintains report details for the cost code for the previous months.

To delete a cost code

  1. Log on to the Management Console.

  2. Click Analytics. Note that if an organization is enabled, then select All Organizations and then click Analytics. For more information, see Enable and disable organizations.
    The Analytics page appears.

  3. On the left navigation pane of the Analytics page, select Cost Allocation The Cost Allocation page displays a list of available cost codes for all the organizations.

    β€‹πŸ“ Note
    ​Only Administrative Group and Backup Set cost object types will be displayed, if an organization is disabled. For more information, see Enable and disable organizations.

  4. From the list of cost codes, select the cost code that you want to delete.

  5. Click Delete.

  6. Click Continue to confirm the deletion of the cost code.


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