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VMware errors
Updated over 6 months ago


Error Message:Virtual machine not found. [Failed to find VM with UUID: %s"%(inst_uuid)]

Error Description:The error can occur because of one of the following reasons:

  • Virtual machine is configured with backup proxy and

    • Virtual machine is deleted from VCenter/ESX host.

    • Virtual machine is in an invalid state.

    • Virtual machine is in an orphan state.

๐Ÿ“ Note

โ€‹ If you delete a configured virtual machine from the ESXi host or vCenter, it will still be listed under configured virtual machine list until you explicitly delete it from Druva. For more information, see Delete a virtual machine configured for backup.


For backup: When a virtual machine configured for backup is deleted from the VMware environment, the first backup job after the virtual machine deletion fails. However, the virtual machine is disabled from backup to avoid subsequent job failures. The virtual machine disabled for backup will be still available for restore.

For restore: Restore to an alternate location.


Error Message:Unable to connect to the VCenter\ ESX host. [Unable to connect to the VCenter\ ESX host [ip address].] OR

Unable to connect to the VCenter\ ESX host.[Host not found for IP address: <ip_address>]

Error Description: The error can occur if the backup proxy is unable to connect ESX host/ Vcenter.

Resolution: To resolve this error:

  • Check network settings of ESX Host/vCenter.

  • The ESX host with ip/FQDN should be running.

  • Check if the backup-proxy can ping ESX host/vCenter.

  • Check if the IP address/FQDN of the vCenter/ESX host has not changed.

  • Retry the job if the vCenter credentials were updated while the job was in progress.


Error Message:Missing credentials for vCenter server/ ESXi host.[Credential not found in credential file.] OR

Missing credentials for vCenter server/ ESXi host.[Credential file does not contain data.]

Error Description: The error can occur if:

  • Credential not found in the credential file: If forsome reason ip address of ESX host / vCenter in store credential file is changed, i.e credential file contain invalid IP address of ESX host\ vCenter.

  • Credential file does not contain data:If the internal store credential file is empty or deleted.

โ€‹ Resolution:To resolve the error:


Error Message:A VM selected for backup is in the orphan state.

Error Description: An orphan virtual machine exists in the vCenter Server database but it is no longer present on the ESX host. A virtual machine also gets orphaned if it exists on a different ESX host than the ESX host that the vCenter Server is looking for.

Resolution: Contact your VMware administrator to resolve this issue.


Error Message:All disks of the VM are Independent/Physical mode disks.

Error Description: VMware does not support recovery point operation on Independent or Physical compatibility mode disks. Druva cannot back up virtual machines which have all the disks in the Independent or Physical compatibility mode.

Resolution: Ensure that all the disks attached to the affected VM are not Physical compatibility mode or Independent disks.


Error Message:Phoenix Internal Error

Resolution: Contact Support.


Error Message:Insufficient User Permission.

Error Description: The error can occur if the vCenter/ESXi host user whose credentials you enter at the time of configuring the backup proxy does not have the permissions required to backup/restore virtual machines.

Resolution: To resolve this error, either:

  • Provide the required permissions to the user whose credentials you have entered at the time of configuring the backup proxy. For more details on the permissions required for backup or restore virtual machines, see Required User Permissions.

  • Reconfigure the backup proxy and provide credentials of the vCenter/ESXi user who has the required permissions. To reconfigure a backup proxy, see Reconfigure backup proxy settings for vCenter server


Error Message:No disk found in VM for backup OR

No disk found in VM for backup. [All disks are excluded by user from exclude pattern(s)]

Error Description:The error can occur while backing up the virtual machine that does not have vmdk files or all the virtual disks are excluded from backup.

Resolution: Check the disk exclusion rules or review the virtual machine properties.


Error Message:Phoenix Internal Error

Resolution: Contact Support.


Error Message: Failed to copy VM file.[Failed to upload <file_name> file on datastore: [ <datastore_name> ]. HTTPS Error Code:<http_error_code>] OR
Failed to copy VM file.[Failed to copy <file_name> file from datstore: [ <datastore_name> ]. HTTPS Error Code: <hytp_error_code>]

Error Description: The error can occur if:

  • Virtual machine manifest file is not downloaded.

  • Virtual machine nvram file is not downloaded.

  • Virtual machine nvram file is not uploaded.

Resolution:To resolve the error:

  • Check HTTP accessibility from browser (e.g. http:/<vcenter/esx ip/fqdn>/folder/<vm_path>/<vm_nvram_file>)

  • Check required user permission.

  • Resolve HTTP error, if any.


Error Message: Resource pool not found where vm should be created. [Resource pool with path path_to_resource not found.]

Error Description:This error can occur if you try to restore a virtual machine to a resource pool that does not exist.


Error Message: Unsupported ESXi version.[ESXi version version_number not supported by Phoenix VMware Agent.]

Error Description:This error can occur if you:

  • Try to backup a virtual machine from a hypervisor that Druva does not support, or

  • Try to restore a virtual machine to a hypervisor that Druva does not support

Resolution: For more information, see backup proxy compatibility.


Error Message: VM Folder with folder path path_to_folder not found.

Error Description: This error can occur if you try to restore a virtual machine to a vCenter folder that does not exist.

Resolution: Try to restore the virtual machine to a valid folder on the vCenter.


โ€‹Error Message: Error in restore process: Not enough space available for restore.

Error Description: This error can occur if the restore destination does not have sufficient free space to accommodate the restored data.

Resolution: Use a restore destination with sufficient free space.


Error Message: Supported backup proxy is not available in the backup proxy pool.

Error Description: This error can occur if:

  • You try to backup a virtual machine with a virtual disk excluded from backup, and

  • All the backup proxies in the pool do not support the virtual disk exclusion feature

Resolution:The feature to exclude virtual disks from backup is available with the backup proxy released along with the July 16th, 2018 cloud push. To resolve this issue, upgrade the backup proxy to the latest version.


Error Message: KDC credential is invalid.

Error Description: This error occurs if the credentials provided at the time configuring the web proxy are no longer valid, and the web proxy can no longer authenticate the Druva backup proxy.

Error Resolution: Reconfigure the Druva backup proxy to provide the correct web proxy credentials and run the backup again.


Error Message: App-Aware processing failed since there is not enough space on the system volume <1 GB. Please ensure there is enough free space for app-aware processing to succeed.

Error Description:Free space of less than 1 GB on the system drive can cause the backups or restores to fail.

Error Resolution:Refer to the KB article.


Error Message:Skipping log backup for simple recovery mode db or master db for any mode.

Error Description:This error can occur if all the user databases that are part of the backup are in the Simple recovery mode.

Error Resolution: Refer to the KB article.


ErrorMessage:Error in Uploading Log Files to Storage. Detected chain break for [DB_Name]

Error Description:App aware T-Log backups fails. This issue occurs if the log chain is broken.

Error Resolution: Refer to the KB article.


Error Message: Please deploy the latest OVA.

Error Description: This error occurs when an RPM that supports vCenter/ESXi 7 is deployed on an older OVA template that does not have the necessary VDDK library files.

Error Resolution: Deploy the latest OVA.

Or auto-upgrade the client RPM.


Error Message: Failed scheduled backup as VM is being used as app-aware restore target.

Error Description: A scheduled backup of a VM that is being used as a target and staging VM in a simultaneous app-aware database restore job fails after several retries.

Error Resolution: Re-run the backup job manually after the restore job has completed. Alternatively, run the restore after the scheduled backup of a VM has completed.


Error Message: Unable to bring the attached VMDKs online on the staging location.

Error Description:

  • A VMware app-aware restore of SQL databases to an alternate location fails to bring the attached VMDKs online, or

  • File-level restore for dynamic GPT disk fails to mount disk on the staging VM for the attached VMDK's.

Resolution:Unmount the attached VMDK disks from the staging VM. Unmount the datastore used by the staging VM to mount the VMDK disks from the ESXi host. Stop the PhoenixSQLGuestPlugin.exe, guestossvc_restore.exe, and DruvaVMwareRestoreAgent.exe services on the staging VM and retry the restore.


Error Message: VMware IR Internal Error.

Resolution:Contact Support.


Error Message: Rename VMDK operation failed.

Resolution:Contact Support.


Error Message: Datastore Mismatch.

Error Description:This error occurs when you have done manual migration or vmotion of instantly restored VM from vsphere UI.

Resolution:Perform manual clean up of the datastore.


Error Message: Invalid IRVM datacenter found.

Error Description:This error occurs when you have done manual migration or vmotion of instantly restored VM from vsphere UI.

Resolution:Perform manual clean up of the datastore.


Error Message:Insufficient space on the system. Need minimum 3GB for OVA download.

Error Description: The OVA is downloaded on the master backup proxy system where the backup proxy deployment job is run. The OVA needs at least 3 GB free space.

Resolution: Go to the Job details > Summary. Identify the backup proxy used for the job and free up the space to ensure that there is at least 3GB free space for the OVA download.


Error Message:VM with the same name already exists. Unable to generate alternate names for the VM.

Error Description: If a VM with the same name is already present on the vCenter of given proxy name/names, then a new backup proxy is created with appending โ€œ_ 1โ€ or โ€œ_2โ€. . . โ€œ_512โ€. If all the options are already present on the vCenter then the job fails.

Resolution: Provide a unique backup proxy name.


Error Message:No available IP address is found in the specified range.

Error Description: No available IP address is found in the specified range.

Resolution: Choose a range of available IPs.


Error Message:Failed to download the OVA.

Error Description: OVA download failed on master backup proxy due to unknown errors.

Resolution: Review the logs and contact Support.


Error Message:Unable to connect to the URL to download the OVA.

Error Description: The OVA is downloaded on the master backup proxy from the public link. The system is not able to connect to that public URL.

Resolution: Ensure that the firewall settings and there are no other restrictions are in place that do not allow this communication.
If the issue persists, review the logs and contact Support.


Error Message:Failed to download the OVA due to network connectivity issues.

Error Description: Failed to download the OVA due to network connectivity issues.

Resolution: To verify, try to access the page and port 443 from the backup proxy used for the job.


Error Message:Failed to deploy the OVA to VCenter or ESX.

Error Description: Failed to deploy the OVA to VCenter or ESX.

Resolution: Review the logs and contact Support.


Error Message:Failed to deploy the OVA, datastore is in corrupt state.

Error Description: The OVA cannot be deployed because the datastore is corrupted.

Resolution: Check the logs for master backup proxy and contact Support.


Error Message:Failed to deploy the OVA due to VMware error.

Error Description: Failed to deploy the OVA due to VMware error.

Resolution: Review the logs and contact Support.


Error Message:Failed to deploy the OVA due to VCenter or ESX connectivity error.

Error Description: Failed to deploy the OVA due to VCenter or ESX connectivity error.

Resolution: Review the logs and contactSupport.


Error Message:Failed to deploy the OVA due to corrupted OVA file.

Error Description: Failed to deploy the OVA due to corrupted OVA file.

Resolution: Review the logs and contact Support.


Error Message:Failed to power on the virtual machine.

Error Description: Failed to power on the virtual machine.

Resolution: You can find the reason for failure from the vCenter task. One of the reasons can be that the vCenter resource limit has exceeded.

Review the logs and contact Support.


Error Message:VMTools is not running on the virtual machine.

Error Description: VMTools is not running on the virtual machine.

Resolution: Ensure that the VMTools are running on the virtual machine.


Error Message:Failed to configure the backup proxy virtual machine

Error Description: Failed to configure the backup proxy virtual machine due to unknown error.

Resolution: Review the logs and contact Support.


Error Message:Failed to configure the backup proxy virtual machine. Failed to set network configuration.

Error Description: Failed to configure the backup proxy virtual machine. Failed to set network configuration.

Resolution: Review the latest proxySetup. log file available in the /var/log/Phoenix/ folder on the backup proxy:

Review the logs and contact Support.


Error Message:Failed to configure the backup proxy virtual machine. Failed to connect to Druva Cloud.

Error Description: Failed to configure the backup proxy virtual machine. Failed to connect to Druva Cloud.

Resolution: Review the logs and contact Support.


Error Message:Failed to configure the backup proxy virtual machine. Failed to set VCenter details.

Error Description: Failed to configure the backup proxy virtual machine. Failed to set VCenter details.

Resolution: Review the logs and contact Support.


Error Message:Failed to configure the backup proxy virtual machine. Failed to set web proxy.

Error Description: Failed to configure the backup proxy virtual machine. Failed to set web proxy.

Resolution: Review the logs and contact Support.


Error Message:Failed to configure the backup proxy virtual machine. Failed to connect to Druva Cloud via web proxy.

Error Description: Failed to configure the backup proxy virtual machine. Failed to connect to Druva Cloud through web proxy.

Resolution: Review the logs and contact Support.


Error Message:Failed to configure the backup proxy virtual machine. Failed to activate.

Error Description: Failed to configure the backup proxy virtual machine. Failed to activate.

Resolution: Review the logs and contact Support.


Error Message:Failed to configure the backup proxy virtual machine. Activation token expired.

Error Description: Failed to configure the backup proxy virtual machine. Activation token expired.

Resolution: Contact Support.


Error Message:Failed to configure the backup proxy virtual machine. Failed to reboot.

Error Description: Failed to configure the backup proxy virtual machine. Failed to reboot.

Resolution: Review the logs and contact Support.


Error Message:Unable to back up the VM as it is currently being restored to the original location.

Error Description: Manual backups (Backup Now) of a VM are not initiated when the same VM is being restored to the original location. Scheduled backups of a VM that is being restored to the original location fail when the schedule coincides with the restore job.

Resolution:Initiate a manual backup after the restore to original job completes.


Error Message:VM contains disks for which backup is not supported (independent/pRDM).

Error Description: VMware does not allow taking recovery points of independent/physical disks.

Resolution: VM contains an independent or physical disk whose backup is not supported. Ensure that you exclude such disks from VMware backup and back them up using the File Server agent.


Error Message:Scan failed on the target VM.

Error Description: Antivirus scan failed during sandbox recovery.

Resolution: Contact Support.


Error Message:Virtual machine is not powered on.

Error Description: This error can occur if the virtual machine is not powered on.

Resolution: Make sure the VM is powered on.


Error Message:VMware Tools is not installed.

Error Description: This error can occur if VMware Tools is not present on the selected VM.

Resolution: Ensure that the VMWare Tools is installed on the virtual machine.


Error Message:VMware Tools is not running.

Error Description: This error can occur if VMware Tools is not running on the selected VM.

Resolution: Ensure that the VMWare Tools is running on the virtual machine.


Error Message:Guest VM credentials are not assigned or invalid.

Error Description: This error can occur if the credentials provided for the guest VM are missing or incorrect.

Resolution: Assign the correct username and password for the guest VM.


Error Message:Unusual Data Activity (UDA) is not supported.

Error Description: This error can occur if UDA is not supported on the guest operating system.

Resolution: See Support matrix for more information.


Error Message:Guest VM credentials have insufficient permissions.

Error Description: This error can occur if Guest VM credentials do not have sufficient permissions to run Unusual Data Activity (UDA).

Resolution: Ensure that Guest VM credentials have the required access rights.


Error Message:Phoenix Internal Error

Resolution: Contact Support.


Error Message: Failed to download from cold storage.

Error description: This error occurs if the restoration of cold data failed.

Resolution:Contact Support.

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