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Troubleshoot VMware issues
Updated over 6 months ago

This topic describes common workarounds of issues that you might encounter while backing up or restoring virtual machines.

Registration and backup proxy deployment issues

Prerequisites and required permissions

Ensure that you meet the prerequisites and assign all the permissions required for backups and restores. For details, see the following articles:

For more information, on how to manage VMware permissions, see Managing Permissions in the VMware Host Client.

Troubleshoot first backup proxy deployment issues

When you register your VMware setup using the Druva Proxy Deployer, the deployment progresses through multiple stages. While the backup proxy deployment is in progress, you can click Download Logs to download the logs from that point in time. The logs are zipped, and the downloaded logs folder has the yearMonthDate-HourMinSec suffixed to the folder name. The following validations are made during the respective stage.

OVA Download stage

At this stage, the OVA template is downloaded on the local system. The OVA template is cleaned up after the backup proxy is deployed successfully.


Need a minimum of 5GB free space on the install location to download the OVA template.

Recommendation: Need a minimum of 5GB free space on the install location to download the OVA template.

Download failed due to network connectivity issues.

Recommendation: Check the network connectivity and retry.

Could not connect to the vCenter.

Recommendation: Credentials are incorrect. Provide valid credentials and retry.

Deployment stage

The first backup proxy is deployed and the backup proxy VM is created.


Specified datastore is corrupt.

Recommendation: Specify a different datastore and retry.

Deployment failed.

Recommendation: Troubleshoot as per the message and retry. You can also download the logs for more details.

Network with the given name does not exist.

Recommendation: Verify the resources on the vCenter. In the Druva Proxy Deployer, go back to the Network page and update the settings and retry.

ESXi host does not exist.

Recommendation: This issue might arise if the ESXi host does not exist. In the VMware Proxy Deployer, go back to the Location page and select an available ESXi host and retry.

VM is not supported on the target datastore.

Recommendation: See, Backup proxy compatibility.

Failed to upload disks to vCenter.

Recommendation: Verify the network connection and retry.

Failed to create the VM.

Recommendation: Ensure that you have provided the resource as per recommendations. See, Prerequisites to install the backup proxy. If the issue still persists, download the logs and contact Support.

VM Powered ON stage

The backup proxy virtual machine is powered on.


Failed to power on the virtual machine.


VM with the given name does not exist.

Recommendation: This issue might arise if the VM is deleted. Perform the deployment again.

Network Configuration stage

The backup proxy connects with the VMware environment.


Failed to assign an IP address to the backup proxy./ Failed to configure the backup proxy network.

Recommendations: If static IP is selected, verify the NIC details.

Update the details as required. Or

On the vCenter verify if the backup proxy has an IP assigned.

Failed to retrieve log files from the deployed backup proxy.

Recommendation: Ensure that the VMware is powered on or you are connected to the network.

Failed to retrieve status from the deployed backup proxy.

Recommendation: Verify that the backup proxy is connected to the network and retry.

Guest operating system is not ready. Retry after some time.

Recommendation: Allow the guest operating system to boot up and retry.

VM is already deleted or is not completely created.

Recommendation: Ensure that the VM is not deleted. If yes, perform the deployment again.

Failed to communicate with the web proxy. Verify the web proxy settings and retry.

Recommendation: Verify the web proxy settings and try again.

Failed to list files from the deployed backup proxy.

Recommendation: For deployment failure, retry. If logs are not getting downloaded:

From vCenter, login to the backup proxy, obtain the logs from the following directory, and retry.

  • /var/log/Phoenix (for VMware proxy version prior to 7.0.0)

  • /var/log/Druva/EnterpriseWorkloads (for VMware proxy version 7.0.0 and later)

VM tools are not running.

Recommendation: Ensure that the virtual machine is running and then retry.

Connection to Druva stage

The backup proxy connects with the Druva Cloud and the registration process is completed.


Failed to connect to Druva Cloud. Fix the network issues in your environment or reboot the backup proxy and try again.

Verify if the backup proxy has an IP assigned and is connected to the network and retry.

The provided activation token has expired.

Generate a new token from the Management Console and try again.

Backup issues

Backup fails if there is insufficient space on the data store.

The backup fails when taking a recovery point of a virtual machine and there is insufficient storage space on the data store.

The backup fails when you have attempted to take a recovery point and saved it to a VMware VMFS partition that does not have enough free space to save the recovery point. The log file displays the following error:

An error occurred while savingthe recovery point:Unable to open the recovery pointfile.


  • Ensure sufficient free space exist on the data store.

  • Delete unused recovery points and unused virtual disks.

  • Expand the volume by adding extents.

Backup fails because backup proxy cannot take recovery points

Sometimes, a backup fails because backup proxy cannot take a recovery point of virtual machines that are configured for backup. You might see an error like this in your log file:
An error occurred while saving the recovery point: Change tracking target file already exists
The log files are created at:

  • /var/log/Phoenix (for VMware proxy version prior to 7.0.0)

  • /var/log/Druva/EnterpriseWorkloads/vmware/backup (for VMware proxy version 7.0.0 and later)


  1. Consolidate the recovery points. For more information, see this article in the VMware Knowledge Base.

  2. Wait for the next scheduled backup, and check the backup status after the backup completes.

  3. Start a backup, and check the backup status after the backup completes.

Backup fails because the Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) Controller is in bus sharing mode

A backup fails if the Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) Controller is in sharing mode. This is because VMware does not support recovery points of virtual machines that are in bus-sharing mode.

The log file displays the following error:

Virtual machine is configured to use a device that prevents the recovery point operation: Device '' is a SCSI controller engaged in bus-sharing

The log files are created at:

  • /var/log/Phoenix (for VMware proxy version prior to 7.0.0)

  • /var/log/Druva/EnterpriseWorkloads/vmware/backup (for VMware proxy version 7.0.0 and later)


Ensure that the SCSI mode is not set to bus-sharing.

Backup fails if you enabled Changed Block Tracking for virtual machines

Backups might fail if you enabled Changed Block Tracking (CBT) for virtual machines.

The log files are created at:

  • /var/log/Phoenix (for VMware proxy version prior to 7.0.0)

  • /var/log/Druva/EnterpriseWorkloads/vmware/backup (for VMware proxy version 7.0.0 and later)


  1. Login to the backup proxy.

  2. Disable the CBT of virtual machine using vmcontrol utility.

  3. Enable the CBT of virtual machine using vmcontrol utility.

    📝 Note
    This utility deletes all the recovery points in the virtual machine.

Backup fails if restore of a recovery point is in progress

A backup which starts after the virtual machine has been reverted to some recovery point from the vSphere Client, fails with the following message:

Error caused by file /vmfs/volumes/55708983-391f41a1-eaa8-00224db1d33b/Rhel6.4-MD-SDS-cbtEnable-MixProvision/Rhel6.4-MD-SDS-cbtEnable-MixProvision.vmdk', faultCause = <unset>, faultMessage = (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) [], file = '/vmfs/volumes/55708983-391f41a1-eaa8-00224db1d33b/Rhel6.4-MD-SDS-cbtEnable-MixProvision/Rhel6.4-MD-SDS-cbtEnable-MixProvision.vmdk' }

The log files are created at:

  • /var/log/Phoenix (for VMware proxy version prior to 7.0.0)

  • /var/log/Druva/EnterpriseWorkloads/vmware/backup (for VMware proxy version 7.0.0 and later)


You must disable and enable CBT on the associated virtual machines to resolve this issue.

  1. Login to the backup proxy.

  2. Disable the CBT of virtual machine using vmcontrol utility.

  3. Enable the CBT of virtual machine using vmcontrol utility.
    This utility deletes all the recovery points in the virtual machine.

Backup Fails on a Standalone ESXi

Backup fails with the following error message:

[2015-07-29 17:21:59,807] [ERROR] Error <class 'agents.vmware.vixDiskLibHelper.vddk_lib.VDDKException'>:Vddk Error [code = 5643587026947, msg = None]. Traceback -Traceback (most recent call last):

File "agents/vmware/", line 118, in handle_oc_work

File "agents/vmware/vixDiskLibHelper/", line 111, in open_disk

File "agents/vmware/vixDiskLibHelper/", line 197, in __raise_vddk_error

VDDKException: Vddk Error [code = 5643587026947, msg = None]


The password contains ‘@’. Change the password and retry backup. The backup should work fine after this.

Backup fails due to timeouts

Backup fails with the following error message:

[2015-07-20 18:40:20,487] [ERROR] Error <class 'agents.vmware.vixDiskLibHelper.vddk_lib.VDDKException'>:Vddk Error [code = 10041633552057, msg = None]. Traceback -Traceback (most recent call last):

File "agents/vmware/", line 118, in handle_oc_work

File "agents/vmware/vixDiskLibHelper/", line 111, in open_disk

File "agents/vmware/vixDiskLibHelper/", line 197, in __raise_vddk_error

VDDKException: Vddk Error [code = 10041633552057, msg = None]

[2015-07-20 18:40:20,487] [ERROR] Failed to open the Disk [local SAS] Win7 VCenter/Win7 VCenter.vmdk

[2015-07-20 18:40:20,487] [ERROR] [VixThread (id=0, pool=vmdk, parent_id=None)] Backup of VMDK Failed. Fault: Vddk Error [code = 10041633552057, msg = None]

[2015-07-20 18:40:20,487] [INFO] [VixThread (id=0, pool=vmdk, parent_id=None)] In finally to close the connection

[2015-07-20 18:40:20,488] [INFO] [VixThread (id=0, pool=vmdk, parent_id=None)] Closed the connection successfully


  • On the backup proxy there is a vddk config file:

    • /etc/Phoenix/vddk.cfg (for VMware proxy version prior to 7.0.0)

    • /etc/Druva/EnterpriseWorkloads/vddk.cfg (for VMware proxy version 7.0.0 and later)
      It is empty by default. In this you can configure NBD timeouts.

Backup fails after replacing the vCenter

If you set up a new vCenter to replace an old one, and do not assign the IP address from the old vCenter to the new one your backups fail.

For example, you deploy a backup proxy on vCenter server "A" with IP address Later on, you get a vCenter with a new version, and start a vCenter server "B" using it. Your network infrastructure assigns a new static IP to vCenter server "B". Now, you detach all your ESXi hosts from vCenter "A" and attach them to vCenter server "B", and shut down vCenter "A". Now, when a backup is triggered, your backups fail because Druva cannot locate the vCenter. To resolve this issue, before you shut down vCenter "A", assign an unused IP address like to vCenter "A". This frees the IP address Now, assign the IP address to vCenter "B" and provide vCenter credentials again in Management Console.

Critical Windows events in the logs

If you observe the below errors in your Windows event logs, contact Support:

Event ID: 57 NTFS Warning

The system failed to flush data to the transaction log. Corruption may occur.

Event ID: 137 NTFS Error

The default transaction resource manager on volume \\?\Volume{806289e8-6088-11e0-a168-005056ae003d} encountered a non-retriable error and could not start. The data contains the error code.

Event ID: 140 NTFS Warning

The system failed to flush data to the transaction log. Corruption may occur in VolumeId:<> DeviceName: \Device\HarddiskVolume<>.(A device which does not exist was specified.).

Few databases might not be recoverable since the VSS service failed to keep the SQL VSS recovery point persistent on the source VM. Druva is working closely with VMware support to address the above problem.

Restore Fails

[2015-07-23 12:22:38,491] [ERROR] Exception: (vmodl.fault.ManagedObjectNotFound) {

dynamicType = <unset>,

dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],

msg = 'The object has already been deleted or has not been completely created',

faultCause = <unset>,

faultMessage = (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) [],

obj = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-6055'


Sometimes the agent is not able to query the vCenter properly. Retry the restore in some time.

Backup and restore Fails for virtual machines that have special characters in its names.

Backup and restore will fail with an Internal error if the virtual machine name has the following special characters.

  • Hash ("#")

  • Left Curly Brace ("{")

  • Right Curly Brace ("}")

  • Vertical Bar/Pipe ("|")

  • Backslash ("\")

  • Caret ("^")

  • Tilde ("~")

  • Left Square Bracket ("[")

  • Right Square Bracket ("]")

  • Grave Accent ("`")

  • Forward slash/Virgule ("/")

  • Left Bracket ("(")

  • Right Bracket (")"


Do not add the above listed special characters to the virtual machine name.

Test to see if the disk of the virtual machine to be backed up can be manually HotAdded to the proxy

Performing the following steps will help determine if the infrastructure is present to allow the proxy to attach the disks of the virtual machine to be processed in HotAdd.

1. Create a recovery point on the virtual machine to be processed by backup proxy(Source virtual machine to be backed up).

2. Within a vSphere client, attach the base disk from the virtual machine in Step 1 to the backup proxy.

  1. Edit the Druva backup proxy that will be processing the virtual machine from Step 1.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Choose “Hard Disk”.

  4. Chose “Use an existing virtual disk”.

  5. Navigate to the location of the base disk from the virtual machine in Step 1.

  6. Specify that the disk should be attached Independent - Non persistent.

  7. Click Finish.

3. If this task completes this means the infrastructure is present to allow the Proxy to HotAdd the virtual machines base disk.

4. Detach the disk that was attached to the backup proxy.

  1. Edit the Druva backup proxy from Step 2.

  2. Highlight the attached disk.

  3. Click Remove (DO NOT change the radio option).

  4. Click Finish.

5.Remove the recovery point created in Step 1.

Removing Stuck VMDK’s from the backup proxy

Sometimes the VMware API call to remove the VMDK is not received or did not complete properly. So the VMDKs are stuck to the backup proxy. In order to remove those disks perform the following steps.

📝 Note

Kindly perform these steps only when there is no backup going on in the backup proxy.

  1. Through vSphere, you should be able to right-click the Druva proxy virtual machine and select edit settings. Look for the Hard disks attached to the virtual machine. Normally the stuck disks will be listed at the bottom.You should also be able to identify the disks by the name and the datastore they are in under the disk file box (top right).

  2. To remove them, select the disk by clicking on it and select remove at the top right.Under removal options choose “remove from virtual machine”.DO NOT choose the option that deletes it from disk (the second option).

Original restore fails

  • Restore fails, if the vRDM disk is converted to independent vRDM or pRDM.

    Revert from the independent vRDM disk/pRDM to vRDM disk. Then try original restore.

  • Restore fails, if the new uuid does not match to old uuid


    If the uuid of the new created vmdk could match to the old uuid restore will fail.

Backup fails of virtual machine having vRDM disks

If the same lun is mapped to two different disks, the backup fails.


Unmap the lun from both disks and then map to only one of the disks.

Backup fails because backup proxy cannot take recovery points

Sometimes, a backup fails because backup proxy cannot take a recovery point of virtual machines that are configured for backup. You might see an error like this in your log file:

An error occurred while saving the snapshot: Change tracking target file already exists

The log files are created at/var/log/ Phoenix.


  1. Consolidate the recovery points. For more information, see this article in the VMware Knowledge Base.

  2. Wait for the next scheduled backup, and check the backup status after the backup completes.

  3. Start a backup, and check the backup status after the backup completes.

Backup fails because the Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) Controller is in bus sharing mode

A backup fails if the Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) Controller is in sharing mode. This is because VMware does not support recovery points of virtual machines that are in bus-sharing mode.

The log file displays the following error:

Virtual machine is configured to use a device that prevents the snapshot operation: Device '' is a SCSI controller engaged in bus-sharing

The log files are created at /var/log/ Phoenix.


Ensure that the SCSI mode is not set to bus-sharing.

Backup fails if you enabled Changed Block Tracking for virtual machines

Backups might fail if you enabled Changed Block Tracking (CBT) for virtual machines.

The log files are created at /var/log/ Phoenix.


1. Login to the backup proxy.

2. Disable the CBT of the virtual machine using vmcontrol utility.

3. Enable the CBT of the virtual machine using vmcontrol utility.

📝 Note

This utility deletes all the recovery points in the virtual machine.

Backup fails if restore of a recovery point is in progress

A backup which starts after thevirtual machinehas been reverted to somerecovery pointfrom the vSphere Client, fails with the following message:

Error caused by file /vmfs/volumes/55708983-391f41a1-eaa8-00224db1d33b/Rhel6.4-MD-SDS-cbtEnable-MixProvision/Rhel6.4-MD-SDS-cbtEnable-MixProvision.vmdk', faultCause = <unset>, faultMessage = (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) [], file = '/vmfs/volumes/55708983-391f41a1-eaa8-00224db1d33b/Rhel6.4-MD-SDS-cbtEnable-MixProvision/Rhel6.4-MD-SDS-cbtEnable-MixProvision.vmdk' }

The log files are created at /var/log/ Phoenix.


You must disable and enable CBT on the associated virtual machines to resolve this issue.

1. Login to the backup proxy.

2. Disable the CBT of VM using vmcontrol utility.

3. Enable the CBT of VM using vmcontrol utility.

📝 Note
This utility deletes all the recovery points in the virtual machine.

Backup fails on a Standalone ESXi

Backup fails with the following error message:

[2015-07-29 17:21:59,807] [ERROR] Error <class 'agents.vmware.vixDiskLibHelper.vddk_lib.VDDKException'>:Vddk Error [code = 5643587026947, msg = None]. Traceback -Traceback (most recent call last):

File "agents/vmware/", line 118, in handle_oc_work

File "agents/vmware/vixDiskLibHelper/", line 111, in open_disk

File "agents/vmware/vixDiskLibHelper/", line 197, in __raise_vddk_error

VDDKException: Vddk Error [code = 5643587026947, msg = None]


The password contains ‘@’. Change the password and retry backup. The backup should work fine after this.

Backup fails due to timeouts

Backup fails with the following error message:

[2015-07-20 18:40:20,487] [ERROR] Error <class 'agents.vmware.vixDiskLibHelper.vddk_lib.VDDKException'>:Vddk Error [code = 10041633552057, msg = None]. Traceback -Traceback (most recent call last):

File "agents/vmware/", line 118, in handle_oc_work

File "agents/vmware/vixDiskLibHelper/", line 111, in open_disk

File "agents/vmware/vixDiskLibHelper/", line 197, in __raise_vddk_error

VDDKException: Vddk Error [code = 10041633552057, msg = None]

[2015-07-20 18:40:20,487] [ERROR] Failed to open the Disk [local SAS] Win7 VCenter/Win7 VCenter.vmdk

[2015-07-20 18:40:20,487] [ERROR] [VixThread (id=0, pool=vmdk, parent_id=None)] Backup of VMDK Failed. Fault: Vddk Error [code = 10041633552057, msg = None]

[2015-07-20 18:40:20,487] [INFO] [VixThread (id=0, pool=vmdk, parent_id=None)] In finally to close the connection

[2015-07-20 18:40:20,488] [INFO] [VixThread (id=0, pool=vmdk, parent_id=None)] Closed the connection successfully


On the backup proxy there is a vddk config file: /etc/Phoenix/vddk.cfg. It is empty by default. In this you can configure NBD timeouts.

Backup fails

[2015-07-29 19:24:08,367] [ERROR] (vim.fault.ApplicationQuiesceFault) {

dynamicType = <unset>,

dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],

msg = "An error occurred while quiescing the virtual machine. See the virtual machine's event log for details.",


Retry the backup.

Backup and restore fails for virtual machines and data stores that have special characters in its names.

Backup and restore will fail with a "Phoenix Internal error", if the virtual machineor data storesname has the following special characters.

  • Hash ("#")

  • Left Curly Brace ("{")

  • Right Curly Brace ("}")

  • Vertical Bar/Pipe ("|")

  • Backslash ("\")

  • Caret ("^")

  • Tilde ("~")

  • Left Square Bracket ("[")

  • Right Square Bracket ("]")

  • Grave Accent ("`")

  • Forward slash/Virgule ("/")

  • Left Bracket ("(")

  • Right Bracket (")"


Do not add the above listed special characters to the virtual machine and data store name.

Restore issues

Restore fails

[2015-07-23 12:22:38,491] [ERROR] Exception: (vmodl.fault.ManagedObjectNotFound) {

dynamicType = <unset>,

dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],

msg = 'The object has already been deleted or has not been completely created',

faultCause = <unset>,

faultMessage = (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) [],

obj = 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-6055'}


Sometimes the agent is not able to query the vCenter properly. Retry the restore in some time.

File level restore fails with FLR02 error

Error message logs:

[2017-04-17 16:04:05,764] [ERROR] Error <type 'exceptions.OSError'>:[Errno 13] Permission
denied: '/mnt/unc_svr-8600-li_277064/svr-8600-li-3353'. Traceback -Traceback (most recent
call last):
File "agents/flr/", line 906, in mount_and_restore
OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/mnt/unc_svr-8600-li_277064/svr-8600-li-3353'


Ensure that restore location has write permission. If Druva cannot write to a folder, file level restore fails with FLR02. In addition, you can try to restore your files to a folder with write permission.

Restore fails on a standalone disk

Restore fails on the standalone disk with the following error message:

[2015-08-21 16:15:54,708] [ERROR] (vim.fault.FileAlreadyExists) {
dynamicType = <unset>,
dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],
msg = 'Cannot complete the operation because the file or folder /vmfs/volumes/5575befd-d1e64fa5-f919-00224db1d2b5/Test-rhel-vm-saranya_5/Test-rhel-vm-saranya_5.vmx already exists',
faultCause = <unset>,
faultMessage = (vmodl.LocalizableMessage) [],
file = '/vmfs/volumes/5575befd-d1e64fa5-f919-00224db1d2b5/Test-rhel-vm-saranya_5/Test-rhel-vm-saranya_5.vmx'


Rename the folder or vmx file that creates the conflict. Restore work fine after this.

Virtual machine with EFI firmware cannot boot after restore

Perform the following steps if a virtual machine is configured with EFI firmware, and cannot boot after restore. For more information onEFI, see Using EFI/UEFI firmware in a VMware Virtual Machine.

📝 Note
The following steps are applicable if the backup proxy version 4.6.4 or earlier.


  1. Log into vSphere.

  2. Select the virtual machine that is unable to boot.

  3. Right-click the virtual machine and select Power > Power Off.

  4. On the Confirm Power Off screen, click Yes.

  5. Right-click the virtual machine and select Edit Settings, the Edit Settings window is displayed.

  6. Under the Options tab, select EFI option.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Right-click the virtual machine and select Power > Power On.
    The virtual machine should boot automatically.

If the virtual machine does not boot, perform the following steps:

  1. Right-click the virtual machine and select Edit Settings, the Edit Settings window is displayed .

  2. Under the Options tab, select The next time the virtual machine boots, force entry into the EFI setup screen option.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Right-click the virtual machine and select Power> Reset.

  5. Right-click the virtual machine and select Open Console. The Boot Maintenance Manager is displayed.

  6. Select Enter setup.

  7. Select Boot from file and then on the next screen highlight the boot partition and press Enter.

  8. Select the EFI > < Operating system > > < .efi file >.
    The virtual machine will boot automatically.

Virtual machine not visible in Druva UI after configuring backup proxy

The issue occurs if the descriptor file for the virtual machine gets corrupted. The following error is received in backup proxy logs.

One of the virtual machine' s VMDK have none as UUID. Skipping VM:ARX_FR_DC01 from listing.


Contact VMWare to fix the issue.

Volume mounting failed.

This error occurs when some volumes are not mounted during File Level Restore.


  • Ensure that the Partition ID of a volume is consistent with the actual partition type of the volume. If it is not consistent, then the volume will not get mounted.

  • If the error still persists, contact Support.

Backup proxy upgrade has failed.

This error can occur due to the following reasons:

  1. If you have installed a hotfix on your existing Druva version, you cannot automatically upgrade to the next version from the Druva user interface.

  2. If the server that hosts the backup proxy restarts during the upgrade.

  3. If the old version is not present on client machine then upgrade rollback will fail.


Manually upgrade the backup proxy.

Backup proxy is unable to connect to the Druva Cloud.

This can happen if both network interface cards are enabled, and:

  • You use one network interface card for public network and the other network interface card for private network

  • The network interface card configured for private network uses DHCP

The backup proxy fails to connect to Druva Cloud because the DHCP changes routing table sequence.


You can use the following command to manually add a static route entry for the public network in the backup proxy settings.

nmcli connection modify <connection_name> +ipv4.routes "<ip_range>/<subnet_prefix> <gateway>"

For example:
nmcli connection modify eth0 +ipv4.routes ""

Virtual machine does not boot after restore

This can happen if:

  • A floppy disk was inserted in the virtual machine at the time of backup

  • User triggers a restore to original location

  • The virtual machine on the original location has the floppy inserted

If the restored virtual machine has the floppy disk inserted, the restored virtual machine attempts to boot from the floppy disk and fails.


After restoring the virtual machine:

  • Remove the floppy disk before starting the virtual machine

  • Change the virtual machine boot order

VMware backup proxy deployment fails for standalone ESXi 6.5 using web client.

This happens due to a VMware issue. For more information, see Unable to deploy OVF from ESXi 6.x Host UI Client (51497).


Perform the following steps to resolve the problem.

  1. Download the OVF tool From the VMware utility page.

  2. Install the tool on a computer that you can use to deploy the OVA.
    For detailed steps to install the OVF tool, see the VMware doc.

  3. To deploy the OVA using the OVF tool:

    • For Windows
      On the terminal, enter the following command: ovatool.exe -ds=datastore_name --diskmode=thin/thick --name=name_of_new_backup_proxy path_to_ova_template vi://user@IP_of_ESX_host
      For example: "C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool\ovftool.exe" -ds="datastore1" --diskMode=thin --name="EXAMPLE_BACKUPRPOXY_WINDOWS_OVA_TOOL" \\nas01\builds\CertQA\CloudPushBuilds\CP74\Druva_Phoenix_BackupProxy_standalone_4.6.12.ova vi://root@

    • For Linux
      On the terminal, enter the following command: ovatool -ds=datastore_name --diskmode=thin/thick --name=name_of_new_backup_proxy path_to_ova_template vi://user@IP_of_ESX_host
      For example: ovftool --acceptAllEulas -ds="datastore1" --diskMode=thin --name="EXAMPLE_BACKUPROXY_LINUX_OVA_TOOL_2" Druva_Phoenix_BackupProxy_standalone_4.6.12.ova vi://root@

  4. After the OVA is deployed, accept Druva end-user license agreement. In the command line window:

    • Enter Yes to accept SSL fingerprint for ESX host.

    • Enter the password for the ESX user.

    • Enter Yes to Accept Druva end-user license agreement..

📝 Note
Ensure that you use OVF tool version 4.2.0.

Network issues after virtual machine restore

You might encounter network issues if:

  • A network adapter was not attached to the virtual machine at the time of backup

  • Multiple network adapters were attached to the virtual machine at the time of backup

  • Network adapter attached to the virtual machine runs into issues due to its driver

  • Network adapter that Druva attaches is incompatible with the guest operating system

  • The network adapter was not attached to the virtual machine after restore


After restoring the virtual machine:

  • If a network adapter was not attached to the virtual machine at the time of backup, Druva will attach the VMXNET3 or VMXNET2 type adapter and restore the virtual machine with the selected network setting. However, the VMXNET3 or VMXNET2 adapter the Druva will attach will require appropriate drivers. To resolve the issue, install VMware tools and the adapter driver on the guest operating system. Or, you can change the network adapter from the vCenter web client UI.

  • If multiple adapters were attached to the virtual machine at the time of backup, the restored virtual machine can experience network issues because you can select only one network setting at the time of restore. To resolve this issue, specify appropriate network setting for each adapter after restore.

  • If the Druva attached network adapter is incompatible with the guest operating system, the vCenter web client displays a warning. To resolve the issue, select an appropriate network adapter for the virtual machine from the web client UI.

  • If Druva backup proxy runs into issues with attaching the network adapter at the time of restore, it skips attaching the network adapter. To resolve the issue, after the virtual machine is restored, select and attach the appropriate network adapter to the virtual machine from the web client UI.

Restore is blocked on Management Console

At the time of restore, backup proxy checks if the administrator can access the destination datastore, folder, network, or resource pool. If the administrator cannot access the resources, restore is disabled on Management Console.


Druva recommends that the backup proxy is activated by user credentials having required vCenter/ESXi permissions. The same user credentials should be used to activate all backup proxies.

VMware Tools is not installed on the Sandbox VM

At the time of restore, VMware Tools is not installed on the Sandbox VM.
For more information on Sandbox Recovery, see Restore virtual machines using sandbox.


For more information about how to install VMware Tools, see Installing and upgrading VMware Tools in vSphere.

Communication with guest OS becomes non-responsive after 30 min of inactivity

This issue can occur due to Default Power Settings on the client edition of the Windows operating system. For more information, see Restore virtual machines using sandbox.


Set the Default Power Settings for inactivity timeout to Never.

vMotion is disabled on the vCenter/Standalone server

Druva disables virtual machine vMotion at the time of backup and restore and re-enables it after backup is complete. If, due to some reason, a user restarts Druva service, the backup proxy fails to re-enable vMotion for that virtual machine, and it stays disabled.


To enable vMotion if it is disabled on your server, you can use the vmcontrol utility.

To use the vmcontrol utility

  1. From the vSphere Client console, click VMs and Templates, and start the backup proxy virtual machine.

  2. Open a terminal on the backup proxy.
    Alternatively, you can use a terminal client such as PuTTY to access the backup proxy.

  3. Log on to the backup proxy.
    The default username is root, and the default password is druvaphoenix. If you changed the password, use the password that you set.

  4. To enable the vmotion, use the following command:

    vmcontrol enable_vmotion <vm_name> [ -u instance_uuid ] [ -f esx_fqdn ]

Druva disables virtual machine vMotion at the time of backup and restore and re-enables it after backup is complete. If, due to some reason, a user restarts Druva service, the backup proxy fails to re-enable vMotion for that virtual machine, and it stays disabled.


To enable vMotion if it is disabled on your server, you can use the vmcontrol utility.

📝 Note

The default username is root, and the default password is druvaphoenix. If you changed the password, use the password that you set.

4. To enable the vmotion, use the following command:

vmcontrol enable_vmotion <vm_name> [ -u instance_uuid ] [ -f esx_fqdn ]

Druva disables virtual machine vMotion at the time of backup and restore and re-enables it after backup is complete. If, due to some reason, a user restarts Druva service, the backup proxy fails to re-enable vMotion for that virtual machine, and it stays disabled.


To enable vMotion if it is disabled on your server, you can use the vmcontrol utility.

Linux virtual machine boots into maintenance mode after restore

If the disk sequence changes after restore, the boot order changes for the Linux virtual machine and the virtual machine boots into maintenance mode or some virtual disks are not visible.


For the Linux virtual machine, change the disk sequence in /etc/fstab. The virtual machine boots without any problem after you enter the correct disk sequence. For more information, see RedHat documentation. [External link]

Network proxy settings on the backup proxy are unable to use the Kerberos authentication protocol

This issue occurs if the DNS server, KDC server, and the web proxy host fully qualified domain names (FQDNs) are not reachable.


  • It is possible that the backup proxy is unable to resolve the FQDNs. To resolve this issue, contact your IT team and update the network manager so that the DNS server, KDC server, and web proxy host FQDNs you provide resolves to the appropriate servers. If the issue persists, update the /etc/hosts file to provide the FQDNs and IP addresses of the DNS server, KDC server, and the web proxy host.

  • Ensure that the DNS credentials you have entered at the time of specifying the network proxy settings on the backup proxy are correct.

To verify the issue is resolved, after providing all the network proxy settings on the backup proxy, run the following command on the backup proxy virtual machine terminal to see if it is connected to the right DNS server.

# realm list

The KDC ticket is not generated even if correct credentials are provided

This issue can occur if there is a configuration problem with the web proxy.


If you are using WinGate, ensure that WinGate is properly configured. In addition, ensure that the KDC user is getting authenticated on the DNS server.

If the issue persists, check with your IT administrators and ensure that the proxy server is up and running.

Network proxy settings fail at the web proxy

This issue can occur if:

  • The Kerberos user needs permissions on the web proxy.

  • You have selected socks4/socks5 proxy type at the time of registering the Druva backup proxy however the web proxy is not configured use it.


  • Ensure that the Kerberos user you provide has the required permissions on the web proxy.

  • Ensure that the web proxy is configured to use the proxy type you select at the time of registering the Druva backup proxy.

Backup fails after a few backups were already successfully

This issue can occur if the web proxy authentication method is Kerberos and the Kerberos ticket service on the backup proxy is not running.


Check if the PhoenixSetKrbTicket service is running. If the service is not running, manually start the service. If it is running, contact Support.

Web proxy setting fails for a user who is not an administrator on the DNS server

This issue can occur if you choose Kerberos authentication method and provide a DNS server user who is not an administrator.


Ensure that the non administrator DNS user whose credentials are provided at the time of configuring the web proxy has the required permissions in the Active Directory.

Log backups fail on a virtual machine with Microsoft SQL Server if its time is reset

This issue can occur if VMware Tools reset the time on a virtual machine.


To resolve this error, disable time synchronization. For more information on how to disable time-synchronization, see this article on the VMware knowledge base.

Application-aware backup is failing on virtual machines if the credentials of the VM provided to Druva belong to a non-admin user

This issue can occur if there are a certain permissions that are needed for the credentials that are assigned for the VM.


For the local machine user:

  1. Create a user.

  2. Add it to the Administrators group.

  3. Add user to all the available SQL Server instances on guest VM and assign the sysadmin role.

  4. Update the user account control (UAC) settings to disable the User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode setting. To do this:

    1. Run gpedit.msc.

    2. In the Local Group Policy Editor window that opens, navigate to Computer Configuration > Windows settings > Security settings > Local policies > Security Options.

    3. Select and right-click on User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode and then click Properties.

    4. In the dialog that appears, select Disabled,then click Apply,and then click Ok.

  5. Restart the VM.

(Administrator rights are required to start/stop VSS service, and calling API CreateVssBackupComponents)

For an active directory (AD) user:

  1. Add the domain user from the AD to the local administrators' group. This would add the domain user to the local administrators' group on PC. Or, if you don't want to manage this setting from the Active Directory, the domain user can be added to the administrators' group on the guest VM directly.

  2. If the UAC settings are also managed from the AD, update the settings in the Group Policy Object created in the above step by disabling the User Account Control: Run all administrators in Admin Approval Mode setting. If you don't want to manage this setting from the Active Directory, modify this setting on the guest OS of the VM.

  3. On the guest OS of the VM, run gpupdate /force on command prompt.

  4. On the guest OS of the VM, the domain user needs to be added to all the available SQL server instances with the sysadmin role.

  5. Restart the VM.

Instant Restore issues

Manual migration of instantly restored VM fails


This issue can occur if you manually migrate the instantly restored VM to another datastore.


On the Instant Restored VMs page, select the VM for which migration failed and perform the manual cleanup steps.

Migration of instantly restored VM fails


This issue can occur if another datastore is attached to the instantly restored VM apart from the instantly restored datastore.


Perform one of the following actions:

  • Detach the disk and then trigger migration.

  • Delete the instantly-restored VM.

Instant restore or migration to production fails


Instant restore or migration to production fails when the operating system buffers consume a big portion of RAM due to which the NFS servers do not start. The following traceback is shown on the terminal:
root@cloudcache:~# service nfs-server startJob for nfs-server.service canceled.

root@cloudcache:~# service nfs-server status● nfs-server.service - NFS server and servicesLoaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nfs-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)Drop-In: /run/systemd/generator/nfs-server.service.d└─order-with-mounts.confActive: failed (Result: exit-code) since Wed 2021-06-09 12:08:22 UTC; 1min 27s agoProcess: 3311885 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/exportfs -r (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)Process: 3311887 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd $RPCNFSDARGS (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)Process: 3311889 ExecStopPost=/usr/sbin/exportfs -au (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)Process: 3311890 ExecStopPost=/usr/sbin/exportfs -f (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)Main PID: 3311887 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

Jun 09 12:08:22 cloudcache systemd[1]: Starting NFS server and services...Jun 09 12:08:22 cloudcache rpc.nfsd[3311887]: error starting threads: errno 12 (Cannot allocate memory)Jun 09 12:08:22 cloudcache systemd[1]: nfs-server.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILUREJun 09 12:08:22 cloudcache systemd[1]: nfs-server.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.Jun 09 12:08:22 cloudcache systemd[1]: Stopped NFS server and services.root@cloudcache:~# service nfs-server start


Run the following command to verify and fix the issue:
root@cloudcache:~# free -mtotal used free shared buff/cache availableMem: 12003 3072 433 0 8497 8634Swap: 4095 23 4072Drop buffersync && echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

Verifyroot@cloudcache:~# free -mtotal used free shared buff/cache availableMem: 12003 3085 8662 0 255 8714Swap: 4095 23 4072

Instant restore and migration job fails


This issue can occur if the PhoenixIRFS (Fuse) process is not able to start. The log file shows entries similar to this:

level=debug ts=2021-05-21T11:44:57.677353062Z filename=fsm.go:228 message="Fuse Process Creation Failed" ExportPath=/mnt/data/instantrestore/75/mnt Outputofsearch="root 6392 0.0 0.0 5648 3064 pts/0 S 11:44 0:00 /bin/bash -c ps -aux | grep -i '/mnt/data/instantrestore/75/mnt'\nroot 6394 0.0 0.0 5216 2528 pts/0 S 11:44 0:00 grep -i /mnt/data/instantrestore/75/mnt\n"


  • If there are multiple unused IRed datastores present on ESX then delete the datastore.

    • First delete the instantly restored VM from the datastore.

    • If the VM is inaccessible, then you can’t delete the VM. In that case, remove it from the inventory by using the VM setting ( Action button or right click option).

    • Right-click the datastore, and select the unmount option to unmount the datastore.

  • Additionally, you can update the NFS max limit on the ESXi host. For more information, see the KB article Increasing the default value that defines the maximum number of NFS mounts on an ESXi/ESX host (2239).

Instant restore fails during export


Instant restore fails during exporting NFS share.


  • Remove the stale entries present at /etc/export and restart NFS service “service nfs-server restart” on .

  • Re-trigger the instant restore job.

Delete custom command fails


This error can occur if the instantly restored datastore is not attached to the instantly restored VM. This indicates that the VM is already migrated manually or by the migration job.


In case of manual migration, the instantly restored datastore gets detached but not deleted. You must manually clean up the datastore.

Ongoing job fails during instant restore or migration


The ongoing job might fail if the service is restarted during instant restore or migration. For existing running instantly restored VMs, which are not migrated or deleted, stopping or restarting the service kills all the IRFS processes running on , due to which the instantly restored VM and datastore go into an inaccessible state.


  • Either migrate the instantly restored VMs or delete them before restarting service. IRService is restarted as part of service restart.

  • If the VMs go in an inaccessible state, delete those VMs by using the delete custom command from Management Console.

Error during a client upgrade or phoenix service restart


After installing the latest rpm manually, you get an error while migrating credentials during a client upgrade or phoenix service restart.


Set credentials again using vCenterDetail set command.

Communication request failure


For validating communication between the Backup proxy, IRAgent, and CC IRService, a token is generated in cacheconfig and passed in each request triggered by IRAgent. IRService decrypts this token and validates the request based on the cache ID and time within the token. The request might fail during token decryption or token expiry.


Retrigger the instant restore or migration job.

Configuration error


Unable to mount the datastore due max NFS datastore limit.

Failed to mount to server 10.x.x.x mount point /mnt/nfs-share/subdir/subdir. NFS has reached the maximum number of supported volumes.


This is due to a VMware/ESXi configuration. Please refer to VMware documentation for more details.

The migration of an instantly restored VM to production is successful, but with some errors


Deletion of datastore fails.


  • Delete the respective datastore from the datastore listing page. Make sure you note the datastore summary, such as the full path of NFS and the NFS version before deletion.

  • Migrate the VM if present on the instantly restored datastore.

  • Perform CloudCache cleanup.


Clean up of the fails.


Perform the cleanup manually.

Deletion of instantly restored VM fails


The deletion of an instantly restored VM can fail in the following scenarios:

  • The instantly restored VM is already migrated to a different datastore.

  • The customer has attached a disk of a different datastore.


  • Delete the instantly recovered VM from the vCenter if it is not migrated to the production environment.

  • Delete the respective datastore from the datastore listing page.

  • Migrate the VM if present on the instantly restored datastore.

Instant restore job issue


Instant restore job stuck or not completed.


Use the following commands to debug any issues related to instant restore job:

  • Check if the IRAgent process is spawned on the Backup proxy.
    ps -ef | grep PhoenixIRAgent

  • Check the status of the and the output.
    /etc/init.d/PhoenixCacheServer status
    systemctl status Phoenix

  • Check if the IRService is running on.
    ps -ef | grep PhoenixIRService

  • Check if the IRFS process is spawned on.
    ps -ef | grep PhoenixIRFS

  • Use logs to verify the service is running.
    tail +f /var/log/PhoenixCloudCache/PhoenixIRservice.log

Enabling custom export paths for IR

Perform the following steps to set the custom export path on .

  1. Open the /etc/PhoenixCloudCache/PhoenixCloudCache.cfg file.

  2. Set your desired path against the variable IR_CUSTOM_EXPORT_PATH.

  3. Save the PhoenixCloudCache.cfg file and trigger the instant restore job.

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