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Verify configuration
Updated over 9 months ago

After you configure the SaaS Apps to work with inSync, you can use the Verify option to check if inSync can access your tenant.

When you use the Verify option, inSync performs the following checks as a part of verification:

For Microsoft 365:

  • App authentication: This step checks if inSync can utilize the available refresh tokens to validate the connection with the Microsoft 365 tenant.

  • User and user’s endpoints existence: This step checks if the user exists at the Microsoft 365 end.

  • Licensing & other permission-related checks (for OneDrive): This step checks for all the endpoints available for the user at the Microsoft 365 end.

  • User mailbox existence (for Exchange Online): This step verifies if a mailbox exists for that user.


To verify the configuration:

  1. From the global navigation panel, click SaaS Apps.

  2. Click Microsoft 365.

  3. On the Overview page , click and then click Verify.

  4. In the Verify Configuration dialog that appears, select the app for which you want to verify the configuration.

Based on the selection of the app, the options to verify configuration are displayed. The following image displays options when Microsoft 365 app is selected.


Here is the list of parameters for each sub-app to verify the configuration:

  • Exchange Online and OneDrive: Email ID of the user

  • SharePoint: Site title

  • Teams: Team Name

  • Public folder: Public folder name

❗ Important

  • Exchange Online and OneDrive: Provide an email address in the Select a user field.

  • inSync recommends that you enter an organization user email address to check if the configuration works instead of an administrator user.

When you select an app and provide the parameters for verification, inSync performs the following checks as a part of verification:

  • App authentication: This step checks if inSync can utilize the available refresh tokens to validate the connection with the Microsoft 365 tenant.

  • User and user’s endpoints existence: This step checks if the user exists at the Microsoft 365 end.

  • Licensing & other permission-related checks (for OneDrive): This step checks for all the endpoints available for the user at the Microsoft 365 end.

  • User mailbox existence (for Exchange Online): This step verifies if a mailbox exists for that user.

6. If any of the authentication steps fail for the selected app, you are prompted with an error message. Click the error message to view the error details.

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