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Know your OneDrive dashboard
Updated over a week ago

Supported inSync mobile app versions:3.7 or later

The OneDrive dashboard lists all the discovered users. This topic explains the dashboard in detail and the actions you can perform on it.

Access path

Field description

The following table lists the fields under the OneDrive tab.



Search User

Search for a user.

User Name

The name of the user.

Last Completed Backup

The date and time when data was last backed up from the SaaS App. To view the status details, click on the status.

πŸ’‘ Tip

Click on the column header to sort the list as per the last completed backup timestamp.

Backup Data

The amount of data that inSync has backed up for that SaaS App account.

πŸ’‘ Tip

Click the column header to sort the list as per the backup data size.

App Status

The status of the SaaS App account.

The following symbols are displayed adjacent to the status of the device, based on their configuration.

Symbol and Description

Judge Gavel icon:

The device is on Legal Hold. For more information, see About Legal Hold.

Profile with gear icon: Persona backup is configured for the device.

πŸ’‘ Tip

Click the column header to sort the list alphabetically as per the app configuration status.

Last Backup Status

Backup status of the SaaS App.

πŸ’‘ Tip

Click on the column header to sort the list alphabetically as per the last backup status.

Status Details

Displays the error message indicating the reason for user data backup failure. Click the error message for more details. For more information, see SaaS Apps Error Messages.

πŸ’‘ Tip

Click on the column header to sort the list. The sorting is not alphabetical and is done based on the error message.

Filters for OneDrive

Click on the to filter the user accounts as per the Last Backup Status and App Status.

The following table displays the available filter options as per the Last Backup Status and App Status.



Last Backup Status

  • Backed Up Successfully: All users for which the backup operation was successful.

  • Backed Up With Errors: All users for which the backup operation completed with some errors.

  • Backup Failed: All users for which the backup operation failed.

  • Never Backed Up: All users for which backup was never initiated.

  • Backup Throttled: All users for which the backup was throttled due to API throttling errors.

App Status

  • Disabled: All users for which backup is disabled.

  • Enabled: All users for which backup is enabled.


Select the user by clicking the checkbox next to the User Name and perform the required actions as described in the following table.



Backup Now

Click Backup Now to start on-demand back up of the Cloud App account for the selected user.


Click Enable to enable the backup of Cloud App account for the selected user.


Click Disable to disable the backup of Cloud App account for the selected user.


Click Delete to remove the Cloud App user account from inSync.

❗ Important

The backed up data cannot be restored if the Cloud App user account is deleted.

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