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How the active and preserve license is consumed?
How the active and preserve license is consumed?
Updated over 6 months ago


This article explains the active and preserve license consumption for Endpoints, Microsoft 365, and Google Workspace workloads.

Active License consumption rationale

An active workload license for Microsoft 365, Endpoints and Google Workspace is consumed by a user only at the first device activation or when a backup is successfully initiated for a device.


An active Endpoints license is consumed when the user’s first device is activated. A single license is consumed when the first device is activated even if a user has multiple devices.

📝 Note

When you exceed the active license threshold including the buffer allowed (5% of license allocated or 100 whichever is lower), contact Support to procure additional licenses to continue backing up additional users. Otherwise, device activation for additional Endpoints users will fail.

Example: The following example illustrates how the active license is consumed for Endpoints. If a user, say “ User 1”, has a laptop and a mobile device, then one Endpoints active license will be consumed when the first device (laptop or mobile) is activated. The activation of the second device will not result in the consumption of another license.

The following table illustrates with an example how the active license will be consumed for Endpoints.

Total users added


Total Endpoints active license allocated


Total users with at least one device activated


Total Endpoints active license consumed


SaaS Apps:

An active license for Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace is consumed when the first backup is successfully initiated for any application of that workload.

📝 Note

When you exceed the active license threshold and the buffer allowed (5% of license allocated or 100 whichever is lower), contact Support to procure additional licenses to continue backing up the Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace additional users. Otherwise, the first backup for additional Microsoft 365 & Google Workspace users will fail.

The following example illustrates how the active license will be consumed for Google Workspace and Microsoft 365.

Example 1 : If User1 has 2 Google Workspace applications - Gmail and Drive, and Gmail backup is successfully initiated first and Drive backup is successfully initiated later, then only one Google Workspace active license will be consumed when the Gmail backup is initiated. When the Drive backup is initiated, another Google Workspace active license will not be consumed again.

The following example shows how the active license is consumed for Google Workspace.

Total users added


Total Google Workspace active licenses allocated


Total count of users for which at least one Google Workspace application backup is successfully initiated


Total Google Workspace active licenses consumed


Example 2 : The following example shows how the active license is consumed for Microsoft 365

Total users added


Total Microsoft 365 active licenses allocated


Total Microsoft 365 licenses allocated for shared/resource mailboxes based on Microsoft 365 users license

📝 Note

Based on Microsoft 365 licenses, you get 50% complimentary licenses for shared/resource mailbox without any extra storage.


Total count of users for which at least one Microsoft 365 application backup is successfully initiated


Total Microsoft 365 active licenses consumed


Allocation of Shared Mailbox license and storage quota

You receive 50% complimentary licenses for Shared Mailboxes or Resource Mailboxes without any additional storage, based on Microsoft 365 licenses.

For example :

  • If you have 100 licenses with Microsoft 365, you will get an additional 50 licenses only for Shared Mailboxes and Resource Mailboxes.

  • If the storage quota is 5000 GB, then 5000 GB is shared with 100 Microsoft 365 licenses and 50 Shared Mailboxes and Resource Mailboxes.

  • You can purchase Shared Mailboxes and Resource Mailboxes in addition to complimentary licenses. For more information about purchasing Shared Mailbox licenses, contact support.

Preserve license consumption rationale

When you mark the user as preserved, the preserve license of the respective workload will be consumed if the workload is backed up.

The following examples illustrate how the preserve license will be consumed for Endpoints, Google Workspace, and Microsoft 365.

Example 1: Let’s say User1 is backed up for Microsoft 365 workload and you have marked the User1 as preserved, then one Microsoft 365 preserve license will be consumed and one Microsoft 365 active license will be freed up.

Example 2: Let’s say User2 is backed up for Endpoints workload and you have marked the User2 as preserved, then one Endpoint preserve license will be consumed and one Endpoints active license will be freed up.

Example 3: Let’s say User3 is backed up for Microsoft 365 and Endpoints workloads and you have marked the User3 as preserved, then one Microsoft 365 preserve license and one Endpoints preserve license will be consumed; one Microsoft 365 active license and one Endpoints active license will be freed up.

Example 4: Let’s say User4 is not backed up for any workload and you have marked the User4 as preserved, then User4 will be marked as Preservedbut the preserved license will not be consumed for any workload.

Example 5: Let's say User 5 with an active Shared mailbox is backed up for Microsoft 365 workloads and you mark the User 5 as preserved; then, the Microsoft shared mailbox license is freed up and consumes one Microsoft 365 preserved license.

Example 6 : Let's say User 6 with an Exchange Online device is in preserved state and is converted to a Shared mailbox. Then after 24 hours of mailbox conversion, the Exchange Online device will be enabled and User 6 starts consuming the Shared mailbox license once the backup is initiated.

Example 7 : Let's say User 7 with the Shared mailbox device is in a preserved state (via sign-in blocked). Then within 24 hours, the Exchange Online device will be enabled and User 7 starts consuming the Shared mailbox license once the backup is initiated.

Example 8 : Let’s say User8 is backed up for OneDrive and Admin have marked the User8 as preserved, then one preserve license will be consumed and one Microsoft 365 active license will be freed up (the Preserve/active license will be used as the OneDrive data is still available).

User creation limit

There is no cap on the number of users that can be imported or added for Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and Endpoints workloads.

The following example illustrates this rationale:

Total Endpoints licenses allocated


Total Microsoft 365 licenses allocated


Total users that can be added or imported

No limit

📝 Note

  • When a user is added for Endpoints, Microsoft 365, and Google Workspace workloads, the license status will be unlicensed by default.

  • If you are planning to import more than 500,000 users, reach out to Support.

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