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Admin audit trails report
Updated over 10 months ago

The Admin Audit Trails Report displays a list of operations that administrators performed on the Management Console. This report allows cloud administrators to monitor all the operations performed by all administrators. You can enable Druva to send the Admin Audit Trails report to the configured cloud administrators and data protection officers on the first day of every month. Additionally, the cloud administrators and data protection officers can apply filters to create a custom report for specific operations and download it using the Admin Audit Trails page. For more information, see Download a report. Druva generates an empty Audit Trail Report if no data is available for a particular month.

The Admin Audit Trails Report provides the following details of the administrator activities:

  • The administrator's name.

  • The action performed by the administrator. For example, Configure for backup.

  • The entity on which the action was performed. For example, VMware-VM.

  • The resource type. For example, VMware.

  • The organization associated with the entity. For example, Org_Boston.

  • The IP address of the resource.

  • The timestamp of the activity performed. For example, Mar 03, 2018 09:33:43.

  • The action details, such as the old and the updated values for each parameter.

The following screenshot depicts the sample records in the Admin Audit Trails report:


View a report

If you are a cloud-derived administrator or a data protection officer, you can view the Audit Trails report of the administrator activities.


  1. Log in to the Management Console.

  2. Click Reports. Note that if an organization is enabled, then click All Organizations and then click Reports. For more information, see Enabling or Disabling Organizations.
    The Reports page opens with the My Subscriptions tab opened by default.


    If organization is enabled, then the My Subscriptions tab also displays all the organization reports.

    view a peport.png
  3. Under the Report column, click Admin Audit Trails.
    The Admin Audit Trails report opens in a new window.

Export a report

If you are a cloud-derived administrator or a data protection officer, you can download a custom report as a CSV file or HTML file using the Admin Audit Trails page.


  1. Log in to the Management Console.

  2. Click Reports. Note that if an organization is enabled, then click All Organizations and then click Reports. For more information, see Enabling or Disabling Organizations.
    The Reports page opens.

  3. In the My Subscriptions tab, select the Admin Audit Trails report and click Download.

  4. Click one of the following options of Report Format:

    • HTML: To download the report in the HTML format.

    • CSV: To download the report in the CSV format.

  5. From the Download Report for drop-down list, select the month for which you want to generate the Audit Trails report.
    The Download Report for drop-down list displays the last 12 months including the current month.

  6. Click Download.

Send a report to your email address

If you are a cloud-derived administrator or a data protection officer, you can configure Druva to send the Admin Audit Trails report of activities to your email.

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​Druva sends the report to the email address that you used to log on to the Management Console.


  1. Log in to the Management Console.

  2. Click Reports. Note that if an organization is enabled, then click All Organizations and then click Reports. For more information, see Enabling or Disabling Organizations.
    The Reports page opens.

  3. Under the My Subscriptions tab, select the Admin Audit Trails report and click Email.

  4. Click Email. The Email Report page opens.

  5. Click one of the following options of Report Format:

    • HTML: To send the report in the HTML format.

    • CSV: To send the report in the CSV format.

  6. From the Email Report for drop-down list, select the month for which you want to email the Audit Trails report.
    The Email Report for drop-down list displays the last 12 months including the current month.

  7. Click Send Email.

Edit an email schedule

The Email Schedule column on the My Subscriptions tab displays the schedule that you set for the Admin Audit Trails report. If you are a cloud-derived administrator or a data protection officer, you can update the time and format of the report that Druva sends to your email.

By default, Druva sends the Admin Audit Trails report on the first day of every month to all cloud-derived administrator or a data protection officer.


  1. Log in to the Management Console.

  2. Click Reports. Note that if organization is enabled, then click All Organizations and then click Reports. For more information, see Enabling or Disabling Organizations.
    The Reports page opens.

  3. Under the My Subscriptions tab, select the Admin Audit Trails report, and click Edit.
    The Admin Audit Trails: Email Schedule page opens.

  4. Ensure that the Enable Email Schedule check box is selected.

  5. Provide the following details.

    • Time: The time for sending the report in the HH:MM format. Select AM or PM in the adjacent drop-drop list.

    • Format: The format of the report, such as HTML or CSV.

  6. Click Save.

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