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VSS errors
Updated over 9 months ago


Error Message:VSS writers are not in correct state. OR

VSS writers are not in correct state.:[VSS writer has reported failure : [state = <text>, result_code = <text>], writer details are = [writer class id : <text>, writer name : <text>]]

Error Description: The error can occur because of one of the following reasons:

  • The source server is out of memory or other system resources.

  • An unexpected error.
    For more information, see Event and Error Handling listed under VSS.

  • The writer is not operating properly.

  • Ensure that VSS service is running.
    For more information, seethe error log.

  • The specified writer does not exist.


Error Message:VSSrecovery pointoperation 'DoRecovery pointSet' failed/timed out.

Error Description:The error can occur because of one of the following reasons:

  • The disk size not enough for therecovery point.

  • The system is unable to flush input/output writes.

Error Solution:To resolve this error,try the operation again.


Error Message:Required VSS writer not found.:[SQL VSS Writer is not present in application server.]

Error Description:The error can occur if aparticular VSS writer is not available on the application server.

Error Solution:To resolve this error:

  • On the command prompt, type " vssadmin List Writers".

  • Check if the required writer is present on the application server.


Error Message: Logical path not found in VSS component map.

Error Description: The error can occur if the logical path is not present in the VSS writer's component map.

Error Solution: To resolve this error, restart the Volume Shadow Copy service.


Error Message: Component not found in VSS component map.

Error Description: The error can occur if the component is not found in logical path present on VSS writers component map.

Error Solution: To resolve this error, restart the Volume Shadow Copy service.


Error Message:VSS operation 'BackupComplete' failed/timedout.

Error Solution:To resolve this error, retry the operation.


Error Message: VSS recovery point IO error occurred.

Error Description:This error can occur if:

  • VSS is unable to run, it may occur if another VSS instance is already running or might be due to some other IO error.

  • The previous VSS Recovery point has not completed properly and is still running.

Error Solution: To resolve the error:

  • Stop and restart the Volume Shadow Copy service.

  • If the issue still persists, reboot the machine.


Error Message:VSS service is not running.

Error Solution: To resolve this error:

  • Check the VSS services. If the VSS service is not running, manually start the service and switch it to automatic mode.

  • If VSS service is disabled, then switch it to automatic mode.


Error Message:Required VSS writer is not in running state.:[SQL Writer is not running]

Error Solution: To resolve this error:

  • Check the VSS services. If the VSS service is not running, manually start the service and switch it to automatic mode.

  • If VSS service is disabled, then switch it to automatic mode.


Error Message:VSS writer count mismatch, if the current writer count does not match the required writer count. :["Required writers count for VSS operation is not correct, current writer count = <m>, required writer count = <n>" ]

Error Description: This error can occur if, the required writers are not present in the application server.

Error Solution: To resolve this error, do the following:

  • On the command prompt, type vssadmin List Writers,toknow if the VSS SQL writer is in running and stable state.

  • The SQL writer on the window services must be running and enabled. It must be also set to automatic.

  • From the administrator command prompt of the SQL server, run the following command:
    vssadmin list writers
    If the output does not show ‘SqlServerWriter’, check the following option:
    Restart the ‘SQL Server VSS Writer’ service under services.msc.


Error Message:VSS operation 'PrepareForBackup' failed/timedout.

Error Description:This error can occur if VSSinternal call fails.

Error Solution: To resolve this error, try the operation again.


Error Message:The specified volume has already reached its maximum number of shadow copies.

Error Description:This error can occur if, the limit of VSS shadow copies is exceeded.The limit of VSS shadow copies per volume is 64.

Error Solution:To resolve this error, do the following:

  • On the command prompt, type vssadmin List Shadows,to check the available shadow copies.

  • Delete some copies.


Error Message: VSS pre Restore operation failed.

Error Solution: To resolve the error, restart the Volume Shadow Copy service and retry the restore again.


Error Message: VSS post Restore operation failed.

Error Solution: To resolve the error, restart the Volume Shadow Copy service and retry the restore again.


Error Message:Volume Shadow Copy(VSS) Internal Error !! OR

Druva Internal Error

Error Solution: Contact Support.

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