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Nutanix AHV Known Issues
Updated over a week ago

The following table lists the issues you might encounter while protecting Nutanix AHV virtual machines.




The backup job for a virtual machine stays in the running state for a prolonged duration. This can happen when the backup proxy handling the backup request fails to connect to the iSCSI target.
โ€‹Workaround: Reboot the backup proxy VM. The backup job should complete within a reasonable time after the reboot.


The warm snapshot count in the Summary page of a configured VM may be incorrect after snapshots for the VM expire and are purged from the storage. The count is correct if the snapshots are deleted manually.


If a VM is deleted (unconfigured) while a backup or restore job of that VM is in progress, the VM deletion fails; however, no message is displayed in the user interface.

Workaround: Wait for the backup or restore job to finish before deleting the VM. Alternatively, cancel the running backup and then delete the VM.


The backup of a virtual machine fails if the network on the backup proxy VM gets disconnected during the backup and does not reconnect within two minutes.


Scheduled or manual backups of virtual machines may fail with Error in triggering backup for the virtual machine if the Hybrid Workloads (Phoenix) license has expired.
โ€‹Solution: Renew the Hybrid Workloads (Phoenix) license and rerun the backups.


A full backup is performed for a VM that had been backed up earlier but whose snapshot was deleted from Prism Element or Prism Central. This is expected behavior. However, the user interface displays that an incremental backup was performed even though it was a full backup.


An alternate restore of a VM does not re-enable the secure boot option in a VM where the secure boot option was enabled during the backup.


The error Error in listing restore points. Error: An unexpected error has occurred. Please try again after some time. If you are getting this error frequently, please contact Support is received while selecting a restore point for a full virtual machine or disk restore. Users cannot select a restore point, which can happen when the control service is down.


If the snapshot from which a VM is being restored is deleted while the restore is in progress, the restored VM is corrupt. The checksum of the restored VM will not match that of the original VM. This can happen when the snapshot was accidentally deleted from the Phoenix Management Console or deleted as part of backup set compaction at the lapse of the retention period.


A restore of a VM does not re-enable the flash mode option where the flash mode option was enabled during the backup. Additionally, the VM category and Host Affinity settings are not preserved.


The network bandwidth consumed while backing up a Nutanix VM exceeds the maximum bandwidth specified in the backup policy.


A file system driver error is displayed during file restore.

Workaround:Close the browse window and retry.


Unable to connect to any proxy that supports FLR. The following error is displayed:

No connected proxy that supports FLR could be found

Workaround: Deploy a new proxy using the latest OVA.


Unable to expand one of the volumes in browse job. A file system driver error is displayed during file restore.

Workaround: Close the browser window and retry.


For FAT 32, the modified time is not supported.


A file system driver error is displayed during file restore.

Workaround: Close the browser window and retry.


During a file-level restore, if a file or folder is already present at the destination location and you select the overwrite option, the new file/folder is successfully restored. Also, the existing file/folder is not overwritten but renamed with the suffix .orig.

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