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Edit the email notification frequency for end users
Updated over 11 months ago

Email notifications help end users learn about the violations reported for the data owned by them. By default, the notification emails are sent daily at 12:00 AM UTC.

You can customize the notification frequency as well as the entire email. There is also an option to disable notifications.

Example of an email notification sent to end users.


Change the email notification frequency

💡 Tip

Emails are sent to end users only after you enable end users to view the violations of a compliance policy.

  1. Click the global navigation icon to access the Global Navigation Panel and select Sensitive Data Governance. The Sensitive Data Governance overview page is displayed.

  2. On the Sensitive Data Governance page , click Configure > Settings.

  3. In the User Email Notifications section, click Edit.

  4. In the Email Schedule section, select the frequency. You can choose between Daily, Monthly, and Weekly.

  5. Select the UTC time when you want the email to be sent. Note that you cannot change the timezone. So if you want the email to be sent at a certain time in your timezone, you must factor in the difference and define the time accordingly.

  6. Click Save.

Edit the email template

  1. Click the global navigation icon to access the Global Navigation Panel and select Sensitive Data Governance. The Sensitive Data Governance overview page is displayed.

  2. On the Sensitive Data Governance overview page , click Configure > Settings.

  3. In the User Email Notifications section, click Edit.

  4. (OPTIONAL) Click Reset From, Subject and Message if you want to design the email template from scratch. ​

  5. In the From field, enter the designation of the person who is sending the email. It’s usually the head of the compliance department such as the Data Compliance Officer.

  6. In the Reply To field, enter the email ID of the person whom the users must contact in case if they have any queries.

  7. In the Subject field, enter the subject line that will be used while sending the email to users. Ensure that you use words that describe what the email is about.

  8. In the Message field, modify the sentences of the message. You can use the predefined variables (such as %USER%, %SENDER%) to customize the email text as per your organization’s requirements.

  9. Click Save.

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