Problem description
When running the Integrated Mass Deployment (IMD) script for deploying new users, a Windows Installer prompt appears.
This issue occurs due to the incorrect syntax of the IMD script.
Ensure that the following prerequisites are met:
The path to the inSync MSI installer and server Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) are enclosed in double quotation marks (")
The token value is enclosed in a single quotation mark (')
The following example snippets display the correct syntax and incorrect syntax of the IMD script.
Correct syntax
msiexec /qn /i โ\\sharelocation\inSync.msiโ TOKENV4='11-123this0is0a0sample0token0123' SERVERLIST=""
Incorrect syntax
msiexec /qn /i \\sharelocation\inSync.msi TOKENV4='11-123this0is0a0sample0token0123' SERVERLIST=""
See also
For more information about parameters used with the IMD script, refer IMD Command Parameter details.