Activation of Phoenix workload gives Resource not found : tokenID (Error Code : PHOENIX127)
Problem description
VMware Backup proxy shows disconnected with Cloud as well as Vcenter.
This issue may also occur while activating other workloads as well.
e.g File server, NAS etc.
This issue can occur for any workload when a customer subscribed to the Druva Public Cloud selects the Govcloud option when activating which causes the authentication to be routed to the GovCloud rather than the Druva Public Cloud.
(e.g Instead of backup-phoenix.druva.com:443 to backup-govphoenix.druva.com :443)
This issue may also occur if the URL is changed under Phoenix.cfg
In main_service.log one of the following errors are observed:
Error - 1
[root@BackupProxy Phoenix]# tail -f main_service.log
File "roboCRoutines.py", line 127, in activate
File "roboCRoutines.py", line 329, in vmware_activate
File "inSyncLib/inSyncRPCBase.py", line 680, in __call__
File "inSyncLib/inSyncRPCBase.py", line 1296, in _safe_request
File "inSyncLib/inSyncRPCBase.py", line 1302, in _issue_request
File "inSyncLib/inSyncRPCBase.py", line 858, in _issue_request
File "inSyncLib/inSyncRPCBase.py", line 900, in __wait_response
SyncError: Resource not found : tokenID - 49165 (#10000007f) (Error Code : PHOENIX127)
Error - 2
[root@aDruvaProxy3 ~]# PhoenixActivate 3108-207-295-3818887cfa5d7ae31305627ca5cc7b5c90bf4c3439a7760f259f2a0ffd8cd934
Activating backup proxy, this may take some time....
Resource not found : tokenID - 3108 (#10000007f) (Error Code : PHOENIX127)
Error - 3
C:\Program Files\Druva\Phoenix Agent>PhoenixNasControl.exe activate
Activating NAS Proxy, this may take some time....
Phoenix NAS Proxy Activation failed: Failure in Device activation due
to Resource not found : tokenID - 642 (#10000007f) (Error Code :
PHOENIX127) (#10000007f) (Error Code : PHOENIX127)
Whitelist *.druva.com in your firewall.
Confirm there are no SSL terminating filters on the firewall.
Deploy a new Vmware proxy and do not check the Phoenix GovCloud option.
For File server and other workloads, do not select the Phoenix GovCloud option while activation of the Agents.