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Hyper-V VM backup fails with HYPERV3 error
Updated over a week ago

Problem description

Hyper-V VM backup fails with HYPERV3 error.


A change in Hyper-V Cluster or SCVMM credentials can cause this error.


[2020-04-13 20:02:18,885] [ERROR]

<_MainThread(MainThread)> Error <class


incorrectError Code : HYPERV3

(most recent call last):

File "agentPartnerProcess.pyc", line 84, in _process_request_start

File "agents\hyperv\hypervAgent.pyc", line 67, in process_backup_start

File "agents\hyperv\hypervBackup.pyc", line 77, in init

File "agents\hyperv\hypervBackup.pyc", line 236, in __validate_mgmt_entity

File "roboHyperVUtils.pyc", line 109, in validate_mgmt_entity

File "hypervCredsMgr.pyc", line 390, in validate

File "hypervCredsMgr.pyc", line 339, in _validate

File "inSyncLib\inSyncError.pyc", line 30, in raise_error

SyncError: LogonUser:The user name or password is incorrect. (#100090003 : 1326) (Error Code : HYPERV3)


Use the following command to update the credential of the affected Hyper-V host in Phoenix.

  1. Go to Command Prompt (cmd) and run it with administrative privileges.

  2. In command prompt navigate to C:\Program Files\Druva\Phoenix Agent\

  3. Run the below mentioned command.

Command:PhoenixHyperVControl.exe set_credential --type <scvmm/cluster> --scvmm_fqdn <scvmm FQDN> --user <scvmm/cluster username> --password <scvmm/cluster password>

Example:PhoenixHyperVControl.exe set_credential --type scvmm --scvmm_fqdn= --user=exampledomain\user --password=Ex@mpleP@$$w0rd

πŸ“ Note
​ Do not use the following characters in the command:

  • Double quotes "

  • Single quotes '

  • Double back-slash \\

In case the above resolution steps does not work then follow the below steps to re-register the host and attempt to update the credentials as a workaround.

  • Stop the Hybrid workloads Agent Client Service.

  • Rename the directory C:\ProgramData\Phoenix to C:\ProgramData\Phoenix.old

  • Start the Hybrid workloads Agent Client Service.

  • Follow the steps as mentioned in document to re-register a Hyper-V Host.

See also

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