This article applies to:
OS: VMware
Product edition: Phoenix Cloud
Problem description
The following error is displayed while deploying the Backup Proxy on vCenter Server 6.5.
Failed to deploy VM: postNFCData failed: Capacity of uploaded disk is larger than requested.
This is a known VMware issue that is fixed in vCenter Server 6.5 Update 1. Refer the following documents for more information:
Upgrade the VMware environment to version 6.5 Update 1 and try to deploy the backup proxy OVF from Web UI again.
The following workaround provides the command line steps to deploy the backup proxy without upgrading the vCenter Server version.
Download the msi or bundle for OVA tool version 4.2.0 locally from the link below. Use the VMware credentials to access the installer. the OVA tool using the msi (on Windows) or bundle (on Linux). See VMware OVF Tool Release Notes for information on installation.
Install Druva backup proxy OVA with the following OVA tool commands:
On Windows:
=> ovatool.exe -ds=<datastore_type> --diskmode=<thin/thick> --name=<name of backup proxy to be deploy> <location of OVA file> vi://user@ <IP of ESX host>
For example:
"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool\ovftool.exe" -ds="datastore1" --diskMode=thin --name="PRAVINH_BACKUPRPOXY_WINDOW_OVA_TOOL" \\nas01\builds\CertQA\CloudPushBuilds\CP74\Druva_Phoenix_BackupProxy_standalone_4.6.12.ova
On Linux:
ovatool -ds=<datastore_type> --diskmode=<thin/thick> --name=<name of backup proxy to be deploy> <location of OVA file><IP of ESX host>
For example:
ovftool --acceptAllEulas -ds="datastore1" --diskMode=thin --name="DRUVATEST_BACKUPROXY_LINUX_OVA_TOOL_2" Druva_Phoenix_BackupProxy_standalone_4.6.12.ova vi://root@
Enter yes the accept the SSL finger print for ESX host.
Enter the password for ESX user mentioned in the command.
Enter yes to accept Druva end-user license agreement.