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Sandbox Seeding Activity Report

Provides details of all the Salesforce Sandbox seeding activities

Updated over a week ago


This report provides details of all the Salesforce Sandbox seeding activities during a specified period.

The following screenshot depicts a sample Salesforce Sandbox seeding Activity Report.

The following section provides information about the restore activity based on the filters selected.





Data Copy Jobs: Total number of Data copy jobs initiated

Completed: Number of completed Data copy jobs

Failed: Number of failed Data copy jobs

Total Data Copied: Total amount of Data copied in MB

Salesforce Archival Restore Activity Details

The table lists the Restores activities details of the users for the organization.


The name of the Project created by the user.

Data Template

Name of the Date template created for the project

Source Organization

The name of the organization from which the data is copied

Destination Organization

The Salesforce org name into which the data was restored.

Salesforce User

The Salesforce user who initiated the activity.

Start Time

The date and time when the Data copy was initiated in DD MMM YYYY HH:MM format.

End Time

The date and time when the Data copy activity was completed in DD MMM YYYY HH:MM format.

Records Copied

Total number of records copied for that respective instance

Data Copy Size (MB)

Size of Data copy in MB

Data Copy Status

Status of initiated data copy such as:

  • Completed

  • Failed

Status Details

Additional details for the failed Data copy activities


  • Manage Subscription

  • Email Report

  • Add filter

  • Sort data

  • Rearrange columns

  • Apply Quick Filters

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