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Archived Release Notes 2019
Updated over 9 months ago

November 21, 2019

New feature

CloudRanger now supports AWS GovCloud regions

Taking regular snapshots of your data is the logical first step for any robust data protection strategy for AWS GovCloud. However, there is a need for the snapshot management capabilities for AWS backups and a complete solution that keeps your AWS GovCloud data safe and easily recoverable from any scenario. Good news! CloudRanger now supports AWS GovCloud regions for backup and recovery of AWS workloads, which will allow US government agencies and customers to avail the benefits of data protection services for AWS environments.

This feature brings to you a wide range of capabilities and benefits such as backup and recovery, AMIs, centralized global management, alerts and reporting, and governance and compliance.

For more information about this feature, see You can learn more about the availability and location of AWS GovCloud regions here.

Note: Contact Druva sales for licensing information and sign-ups.

October 3, 2019

New feature

Disaster Recovery 2.0

When you think of disaster recovery, the first thing that comes to mind is whether or not the disaster recovery system you’ve chosen can give you fool-proof assurance about your data’s safety. Add to that the benefits and flexibility of setting up the granular details, you are sure to become, let’s just say - Happy!

Here's some exciting news! With DR 2.0, we’ve taken several steps towards making your DR mechanism, right from creating a DR plan to a failover, as simple as possible. The new capabilities include a revamped left navigation menu and significant DR workflow enhancements to make your disaster recovery planning even easier.

Druva CloudRanger DR 2.0 features include

  • ​​​​​​AWS cross-account disaster recovery plans

  • Intelligent real-time feedback confirming or otherwise, your backup strategy meets your Recovery Point Objective (RPO)

  • Enhanced testing options

  • Flexibility in choosing instance sizes for disaster recovery

  • Immediate results view

  • Support for Amazon RDS resources as part of DR plans

If you are already an existing customer with DR plans, DR 2.0 is currently not available to you. We will be in contact with you shortly to migrate your DR plans to the new version.

New Disaster Recovery (DR) plan workflow includes environments and DR plans


The first thing you need to do to set up DR 2.0 is to create environments. An environment is a collection of AWS network and security resources for an application within a single region. But what’s the point of doing this, you might ask? Simplification and flexibility! Environments are just a way of grouping your resources in a way that makes sense for you. Here are a few benefits:

  • An environment simplifies the generation of dependencies for an application, ensuring it can be updated or cloned seamlessly.

  • It also helps departments such as development and quality assurance with the reusability of grouping resources to support additional scenarios, such as creating production-like environments easily.

  • Environments can be cloned across your AWS accounts and regions.

DR plans

After you create an environment, creating a DR plan is your next step. You can now create disaster recovery plans based on your business service level objectives (SLOs) that are, RPO and RTO. You can also automatically test DR plans for readiness and optimize them based on your needs. But are we done with listing what you can do with the DR plans? Not yet! Take a look at the benefits:

  • Simple and automated: Create your DR environments automatically and set up your DR plans much easier than before.

  • Flexible: Create cross-region and/or cross-account DR plans.

  • Cost-effective: Choose various types of EC2 instances to test your DR solution in a cost-optimized manner. You no more have the hassle of spending on setting up your DR infrastructure setup.


September 5, 2019


Changes in navigation

Druva CloudRanger has had a big visual makeover! Our navigation changes include a cleaner look-and-feel, new navigation, an easier way to to see app information and more. Here are the changes:

  • Most notably, Servers, have now been renamed to Resources, as this covers Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, Amazon Redshift, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon DocumentDB, Amazon Neptune and Amazon Aurora. As a result, Server Scheduling can now be found under Policies > Resources Schedules.

  • We have added the Infrastructure tab to the top-left navigation, where you can access all resources linked to your AWS account.

  • We have also introduced the Environments section within Infrastructure, which allows you to clone your AWS environments to be used as part of a Disaster Recovery plan.

  • We have made it easier to access Restores via the main navigation menu, with Jobs, Audit trails, and Reports now available in the Activity category.

The new navigation menu is now live across for all Druva CloudRanger customers. If you have any questions related to the new navigation, please contact our customer support team via email or through the 24/7 chat within the Druva Cloudranger console.

You may need to refresh your browser to see the new changes in the Druva CloudRanger dashboard.

June 5, 2019


Self-configuration of auto-sync time

With this release, we have simplified the process of updating the auto-sync time of your AWS account. You can now update it on your own.

To do this, simply go to Account Settings and select a preferred time for auto-sync on the AUTO SYNC TIME drop-down list.


April 18, 2019

New feature

New CloudRanger onboarding process

CloudRanger now has a simpler, more intuitive onboarding process to get you set up in minutes by simply connecting to your AWS account via an IAM role. This update makes a new user's experience more seamless and structured.

For more details, refer to Create a CloudRanger account.

March 14, 2019

New feature

Onboarding policy template

When a user clicks to create a new backup policy, they are now presented with a pop-up window containing four templates, which can be used to create the new policy.

Templates available to the user are as follows:

  • Twice Daily: Create backups twice per day and retain for seven days.

  • Daily: Create daily backups and retain for one week.

  • Weekly: Create weekly backups and retain for one month.

  • Monthly: Create monthly backups and retain for three months.

This feature enables the user to create a backup policy with minimal effort; hence, saving them time and effort. A random CRON value is generated for each template to ensure that policies are fired at different times and not all at once, which is important for the performance and execution of CloudRanger users' policies.

The templates are also automatically tagged indicating the type of template used when creating the policy, for example, TwiceDailyTemplate. This helps the users to distinguish between policies created using templates and policies created manually.

The user can also continue without using a template for more complex policies by clicking Continue without using template.


Cross-account billing AMI copy

This enhancement allows users to copy AMIs with marketplace product codes across AWS accounts using a method recommended by AWS. By default, this is disabled to stop users from circumventing increased pricing for launching instances from these AMIs. With this enhancement, CloudRanger users gain the ability to copy these kinds of AMIs across AWS accounts while the product codes do not get lost.
This has been achieved by privately sharing the AMI with the target AWS account, launching an instance from that AMI and then creating a new AMI from the newly launched instance.

To copy a shared AMI with a billing product code, launch an EC2 instance in your account using the shared AMI and then create an AMI from the instance.
For more details, refer to the AWS Documentation.

Users who have seen the following error message before: “Images from AWS Marketplace cannot be copied to another AWS account” will now see this copy attempt complete successfully rather than result in a failure.

Cross-account encrypted snapshots and AMIs

This enhancement to the CloudRanger policy allows users to specify a KMS key to encrypt with when backing up data to another AWS account. Keeping data encrypted in the cloud is of the utmost importance for many cloud users. Users can now modify their backup policies and in the copy section, they can choose target encryption keys. They also need to grant the CloudRanger role for the target AWS account access to the KMS in the source AWS account.


Backup policy - scheduling multiple days in a week

CloudRanger now supports setting a backup schedule for multiple days in a week.


February 27, 2019


Enhanced file-level restore

Indexed snapshots contents can now be browsed from file-level restore of a snapshot. Additional options to search for the index and download files within a snapshot are also now supported.


Advanced snapshot restore options

Restore of a snapshot as an instance now supports options to specify the instance architecture.

Network settings in File Search settings

A new section Network Settings has been added within Account Settings > File Search Settings to specify the subnets for file indexer to run.

New region support

CloudRanger now supports AWS region ‘Stockholm’ (eu-north-1).

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