This topic provides an overview of alerts. It also includes information about the severity of the alerts and type of alerts.
What are alerts
Druva generates alerts to indicate an exception or notify administrators about a potential issue that requires attention. The Alerts page displays the list of alerts, categorized by severity to prioritize critical alerts and warnings.
An alert remains active until resolved and is listed on the Alerts page. Once the underlying event or exception is fixed, Druva considers the associated alert resolved, removing it from the Dashboard and Alerts pages. All Jobs alerts will be automatically removed from the Alerts page after 7 days.
Who can view alerts
By default, all Enterprise Workloads administrators, such as cloud administrators, organization administrators, group administrators, custom administrators, and data protection officers, are subscribed to alerts.
Additionally, cloud administrators and their custom administrators, organization administrators and their custom administrators, as well as data protection officers, have the ability to manage alert subscriptions for non-administrators. The subscribed administrators and non-administrators receive email notifications in the event of job failures, reports, and so on.
๐ Note
Administrators can unsubscribe themselves from the alerts using the My Subscriptions tab on the Alerts Subscriptions page. For more information, see Alert subscriptions for administrators.
Severity of alerts
Alerts are categorized by severity to help administrators resolve the critical issues on priority:
Critical: Requires immediate resolution
Warning: Requires timely resolution, with lower priority compared to critical alerts
Information: Informative in nature that may not require administrator-assisted resolution
Azure VM Alerts
All Jobs alerts will be automatically removed from the Alerts page after 7 days.
Alert | Created when | Severity | Resolved When |
Backup Failed | The backup job fails | Critical | Not resolved (Alert is valid for 7 days) |
Backup Window expired | Druva does not backup the entire data set within the specified duration and does not create a recovery point | Warning | Not resolved (Alert is valid for 7 days) |
Backup Skipped | The backup job is skipped | Warning | Not resolved (Alert is valid for 7 days) |
Backup successful with error | Backup successful with error | Warning | Not resolved (Alert is valid for 7 days) |
Restore failed | The restore job failed | Critical | Not resolved (Alert is valid for 7 days) |
View Alerts
You can filter and view alerts according to alert type, severity, and so on.
Log in to the management console and select your organization.
On the menu bar, click the Alert bell icon.
The Alerts page displays the Alerts and Subscriptions on the left pane.The Alert details page displays the corresponding Alert details:
Severity Type: Severity of the alert such as Critical, Warning, or Information.
Alert Type: Type of alert. For more information, see Alerts for Enterprise Workloads.
Target: VMs on which the alerts are generated.
Description: Description of the alert.
Generated On: Date and time when the alert was generated.
View Details: Click to view the details of the alert. For more information, see View alert details.
Filter the alert list according to the severity. In the Alerts tab, click the severity such as Critical, Warning, or Info from the Severity list.
A list of alerts with the selected severity appears. In addition, you can view the total number of alerts, for example, Alerts | 2 of 2, and can hover over the refresh icon to get the date and time when the alerts were last refreshed.
Search alerts by target name
You can search alerts by Target.
For example, you can identify a job-level alert for a specific VM by specifying the Azure VM/Disk name in the Target search filter.
๐ Note
โAll alerts for Azure VMs will also be displayed under Druva Cloud Platform alerts.
Filter alerts
Click the Filter icon and select one or more filters to filter alerts.
You can filter the alert list according to the severity, and select alerts generated in the last 24 hours, 7 days, or 1 month. You can also filter the alerts by Alert Type.
For more information on alert types, see Alerts for Enterprise Workloads.Click Apply to apply the search settings.
โClick Reset to reset all the filters.
Alert Subscriptions
By default, all the administrators are subscribed to alerts. Alert subscriptions trigger email notifications to administrators and non-administrators. You can update your alert subscription at any time.
Druva notifies subscribers with the following alerts:
For all critical and warning alerts, the subscribers receive only one email at the time of alert generation.
For information alerts, no email notification is triggered.
For more information, see Alert subscriptions for administrators.