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Manage network mappings
Updated over 10 months ago


As part of network mapping:

  • Map the VCenter source network to a VPC and subnet on the target AWS account.

  • If the network of your virtual machine belongs to the same network for which you have defined the network mapping, the same VPC and subnet defined in the network mappings are used during failover.

  • The default network mapping defines the VPC and subnet to be used when no target network mapping is specified for the virtual machine source network.

  • When the source virtual machine has multiple network adapters, the default network mapping settings are always used for failover. However, when the source virtual machine has a single network adapter and if network mappings are defined for the adapter network, these network mapping settings are used for failover. Else the default network mapping settings are used for failover.

  • Security groups available in a particular VPC are available for selection in Network Mapping settings.

  • You can assign up to five security groups to AWS EC2 instances during failover.

  • Security groups assigned to a VM in the VM network settings ( Network Settings under Change Failover Settings for a selected VM) take precedence over security groups defined in the Default Target Network or Target Network Mappings. Suppose a VM in a specific subnet does not have any security groups assigned to it in the VM network settings. In that case, the VM takes on the security group assigned to a VPC in the same subnet in the Default Target Network settings or Target Network Mapping settings.

Considerations for adding network mappings

Before defining network mappings, consider the following points:

  • Ensure that you have deployed Druva AWS proxy 4.8.2 or later.

  • If a vCenter source network name is renamed, Disaster Recovery treats this network as a new network. The corresponding network mapping with the old name is displayed on the Recovery tab with the following warning message:
    Source network does not exist.

  • If a data center name changes, all the source networks within that data center are considered as new networks.

  • For every vCenter, a cron job runs every 24 hours to detect any network changes in your infrastructure. If Disaster Recovery detects any change in the source network of a virtual machine, it checks for any available network mapping for the new network. If it does not identify any network mapping, it assigns the default network mapping to the failover settings of the virtual machine. Disaster Recovery sends the following alert:
    Failover IP address settings for <virtual_machine_name> is changed.

  • If you have configured a static IP address for a virtual machine, you must validate the IP address with respect to the new VPC and subnet assigned to the failover settings.

  • Security groups available in a particular VPC are available for selection in Network Mapping settings.

  • You can assign up to five security groups to AWS EC2 instances during failover.

  • Security groups assigned to a VM in the VM network settings ( Network Settings under Change Failover Settings for a selected VM) take precedence over security groups defined in the Default Target Network or Target Network Mappings. Suppose a VM in a specific subnet does not have any security groups assigned to it in the VM network settings. In that case, the VM takes on the security group assigned to a VPC in the same subnet in the Default Target Network settings or Target Network Mapping settings.

Default target network

The Default target network settings are used when no target network is specified.



Default Production / TestFailover Mapping


Select the VPC option from the drop-down list where you want to launch the EC2 instance for your production or test failover mode.

For more information, see VPC.


Select the required subnet option from the drop-down list for your production or test failover mode.

For more information, see Subnet.

Security groups

This is an optional field. Select one or more security groups from the groups available in the selected VPC. The security groups are used during the Production or Test failovers.

Network mappings

Network mappings comprise of the following:

Networking Mappings.png




Select the registered vCenter or hypervisor host for which you want to define the VPC and subnet.

Source Network

Select the network of your source virtual machine.

Production / TestFailover Mapping


Select the VPC option from the drop-down list where you want to launch the EC2 instance for your production or test failover mode.

For more information, see VPC.


Select the required subnet option from the drop-down list for your production or test failover mode.

For more information, see Subnet.

Security groups

This is an optional field. Select one or more security groups from the groups available in the selected VPC. The security groups are used during the Production or Test failovers.

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