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Download and Install eDiscovery‌ ‌Download‌ ‌Client‌
Updated over a week ago


Client download is a part of the eDiscovery Download Client registration process. However, if required, you can download and install the client beforehand, without registering it.

Before downloading, ensure that the system where you want to install eDiscovery Download Client meets the minimum system requirements. With eDiscovery Download Client, you have the option to install clients on multiple machines, so it’s easier to segregate the download data by legal hold or by custodians.

Download the eDiscovery Download Client

  1. Click the Global Navigation icon to access the Global Navigation Panel and click Data Governance > eDiscovery.

  2. In the left pane, click eDiscovery Download Clients.

  3. Click the Get eDiscovery Download Client installer button.

  4. Download the installer for your device.

Install the client on a Windows device

  1. Run the installer.​

  2. Click Next and accept the license agreement.

  3. Define the path where you want to install the client. For example, the path can be C:\Users\John_Doe\Documents

  4. Click Install.

  5. Click Finish once the installation completes.

By default, eDiscovery Download Client creates a shortcut on the desktop during installation. You can use this to launch the client.

Install the client on a Mac device

  1. Double-click on the installer. Installation wizard appears.​

  2. Click Continue.

  3. Read the Software License Agreement and click on Continue to agree.

  4. Select a destination disk on which you want to install the eDiscovery Download Client.

  5. Verify the location where you want to install the Client and click Install. Installation begins.

  6. After the installation is complete click Close.

The client is installed with the name - eDiscovery in the Applications folder. You can also find the application with name - eDiscovery Download Client in Launchpad.

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