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How to Re-Configure web-proxy for Linux Cloudcache server

How to Re-Configure web-proxy for Linux Cloudcache server

Updated over a week ago


How to Re-Configure web-proxy for Linux Cloudcache server


Phoenix agent connects to the Druva Cloud through the internet. If your network infrastructure uses a web-proxy, configure the Phoenix agent to use web-proxy to establish a connection with the Druva Cloud.

To re-configure web-proxy for Linux Cloudcache server please follow these steps.

Before you begin, ensure that the Cloudcache service is running.

/etc/init.d/PhoenixCacheServer status

Procedure to Configure Web proxy for Linux servers

  1. Open the command line prompt.

  2. Change the directory path to the location where Phoenix agent is installed on your system.
    UNIX default: /opt/Druva/PhoenixCacheServer/bin

  3. Run the following command:

    1. For CC R1:
      PhoenixActivate set_proxy_details -t proxy_type -i proxy_IP:port -u proxy_user -p proxy_password
      Example:PhoenixActivate set_proxy_details -t http -i -u * -p *

    2. For CCR3:
      EnterpriseWorkloadsAgent web-proxy-config -s -i <ip>:<port> -t http -u <proxy_user> -p <proxy_password>
      Example: WorkloadsAgent web-proxy-config -s -i -t http -u * -p *

Note: Above example is for a proxy that does not require authentication, this can change as per environment.

Term Description

  1. Proxy Type (Proxy_Type):Druva supports the following proxy types:

    1. http

    2. socks4

    3. socks5

  2. Proxy Server Name(Proxy_Ip):Valid IP of proxy server.

  3. Proxy Port(port):Respective proxy port number.

  4. Username(proxy_user):Valid proxy username. For a proxy that does not require authentication, enter *.

  5. Password(proxy_password):Valid proxy password. For a proxy that does not require authentication, enter *.

See also:

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