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Possible Causes of Proxy Deployment failure
Updated over a week ago

Problem description

Manual Proxy Deployment Fails


VMware account has limited permissions


  • Check for First Proxy Deployment logs (deploy_proxy)

  • Login to the proxy and review main_service.log and vCenterCred.log

  • Above logs can be found under : /var/log/Phoenix/

Error 1  can be seen in “deploy_proxy logs”
[2022-05-06 10:15:05,179] [ERROR] Failed to Upgrade proxy VM to NVMe compatible version: (vim.fault.NoPermission) {
dynamicType = <unset>,
dynamicProperty = (vmodl.DynamicProperty) [],
msg = 'Permission to perform this operation was denied.',


  1. Use the Administrator Account of the vCenter Server.

  2. Provide permissions to the required account.

See also

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