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VMware: VM is not getting detected in the Phoenix console
Updated over a week ago

Problem description

Out of multiple VM’s in the environment, one of the VM’s doesn’t get detected in the "All Virtual Machines" list in the Phoenix console.


The VM doesn’t have vc.uuid in the vmx file.


Affected VM Name: XXXX

The main_service.log in /var/log/Phoenix and found that the UUID is not being populated for this VM

{"instance_uuid": "", "datacenter": "xx-datacenter", "name": "xxxx", "power_state": ...............}

Working VM : YYYY Which is getting discovered has UUID

{"instance_uuid": "52e3ba7f-900b-04e5-af16-b0b9d84e93eb", "datacenter": "xx-datacenter", "name": "YYYY", ............}


  • Power off the VM

  • Download the vmx file from then datastore for both the VM's

  • The vc.uuid will be missing for the non-working VM compared to the working one.

  • Add the vc.uuid in the vmx file as per the VMware document programmatically or by manually editing it

  • Upload this vmx file to the datastore in the folder of the concerned VM

  • Power on the VM

  • Refresh the " All Virtual Machines" list in the Phoenix console

  • Now it should detect the VM

  • Configure the VM for backup as required

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